I like to hear some opinions on filemanager apps. Which one do you recommend and why?
Please recommend me a file manager
Uhnoes The GOS native file manager works fine for me.
Material Files, it can open some types of files.
I have been using FX File Explorer Pro for years. I like the customization options and network access features.
Uhnoes this one: MeanMrMustard
And if this is not enough, https://github.com/Raival-e/File-Explorer-Compose
I use Material Files as well. It has a nice UI and you can attach network shares over ftp and webdav.
Zarchiver is great and simple
doublefree can it view apk? I tried, no luck. other than that solid alternative to stock.
The default works just fine for me.
I seem to have experienced a strange bug with Material Files which made me uninstall it.
What triggers it seems to be scrolling through numerous video files (mp4, webm, gif etc.) , it "feels" like it is not being able to finish the thumbnail preview loading when scrolled too fast (sry I am not a coder). This resulted in the inability to play the mentioned formats in any kind of app. The metadata was loading just not the actual playback in apps like vlc player. Even weirder that this bug manifested on other user profiles too. As well as made the default camera and pixel camera not usable, they would have loaded the interface, while the camera stayed off (also across user profiles, also with force stopping the app and reloading it etc.) I always had to restart the phone in order to take photos again, took me a long time to find out the culprit.
The app has almost 500 issues and now 7 months without an update, I will switch to something else.
And regarding Zarchiver, I used it before, it works great. But it is not FOSS and a Russian dev, if that matters to anyone.
I think I had problems with the default GOS files app initially. When sending multiple files to a USB stick it sometimes got stuck, and the notification frequently showed its still sending 1 file, when it was already finished.
Would prefer something lightweight and FOSS, for now I use default
I've had the same experience with material files unfortunately. Had to switch back to stock manager. The only thing I don't like in stock is that upon opening it shows downloads folder by default. This wastes 2 taps to open the side bar and then select the pixel device. Other managers start in main device folder when opened.
Secure Files - you can access secure storage too.
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MiXPlorer, for sure. Not open source, but beyond reproach from a privacy perspective. No analytics, no telemetry, no trackers, extremely full-featured and customisable. Great, forthcoming developer with a longstanding track record. The rest are kind of a meme in my opinion. You can buy the Silver version from Google Play if you want to support the development or you can download it straight from the source: