bobeee They're coloured so not system installed.
Who said that system installed apps can not have an icon?
bobeee They're coloured so not system installed.
Who said that system installed apps can not have an icon?
Uhnoes this one: MeanMrMustard
And if this is not enough,
de0u I don't have a phone to test.
I'm not sure which documentation you refer to nor do I know what solution you are asking.
I can tell you however that the Pixel Camera allows you to configure the Volume keys.
iii When the phone is turned on and plugged in, I have noticed that even when bypass charging is active on my Pixel 6a, the battery status alternates between "CHARGING" and "NOT_CHARGING"
Confirmed with "CPU Info" app in Pixel 6. Every few minutes it changes to charging for a few seconds.
shbsssn AS @DeletedUser87 said you can use the GrapheneOS camera for scanning from camera. Pixel Camera supports this too (no GPS or Google Lens is required for just QR).
If you also want to scan QR codes in you gallery and generate QR codes, you can use Image Toolbox, BinaryEye or BarcodeScanner.
Clark just move/copy the files?
Trusted PDF files can be viewed (vertical scroll and zoom but no search*) with ImageToolbox.
* You can convert them to an image and use an OCR on it.
doubledave04 Is there any way to prevent apps from using ANY internet in the background (mobile or wifi) unless I open them?
Not in the OS (unless you want to grant/revoke Network permission in the settings all the time), but with third-party VPN apps like RethinkDNS.
de0u I believe the relevant issue tracker is here:
Alltern one app that can be used to open it is
Alltern The second is putting background usage and battery optimization in special app access to sort by apps with and without background usage.
Already implemented in AOSP Settings app. It's just that you need a third-party app to start the$AppBatteryUsageActivity
DeletedUser34 you get the same features in stable 2-3 days later. Beta-channel is the option in the middle.
Dataloss -> Backups
Broken updates -> A/B boot kicks in and if that fails too, you can sideload the next update with the fix.
If sideloading an update and doing regular backups are no problems for you, there's no reason remaining to not use alpha-channel.
Generally are dataloss or boot failure very rare. The biggest "problem" is reduced availability. E.g. an update breaks Bluetooth and developing the fix requires five days, => you need to life five days w/o Bluetooth.
DeletedUser34 APKPure is supported and download from Play Store directly is tracked in
berzog There should be an three dot menu in the upper right corner with the option to uninstall for all users.
8v55 second user profile.
Which camera app?
Are you sure that it is caused by GPS and not by something else like secondary user? There are a lot of strange bugs with secondary users.
DeletedUser34 use the libre version from GitHub, you get FOSS with developer signed apk and fast updates.