xdg-7 I think the situation may be worse for Verizon MVNOs than for carrier APN settings in general. There might be useful information in Issue #2299. If possible, it might be productive to report (here, initially) the APN settings that GrapheneOS arrives at with the Total Wireless SIM versus the APN settings that a stock device uses for the same SIM card.

    Everything works as expected...it was my own fault, having activated/checked 'ims' in APN settings de-registered me for IMS service. Reverted it and VoWiFi/VoLTE are working as expected again. The best of all: no more fiddling with Shizuku/PixelIMS for activating WLAN-call after every update.

    de0u I've been running GOS on my Pixel 6 for a couple years with Total Wireless and it has never given me an issue until this update. I don't have another device to test on, but these are the APN Settings I have:
    Name: Verizon
    APN Type: default, supl, dun
    Authentication Type: None
    APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
    APN roaming protocol: IPv4

      xdg-7 After calling Total Wireless support a second time, they were eventually able to resolve the mobile data issue after they asked if LTE or 5G was connected and I said no. They said they "reprovisioned my mobile data" but who knows what they actually did. My APN is the same as it was, so that must not have been the issue.

      • de0u replied to this.

        xdg-7 After calling Total Wireless support a second time, they were eventually able to resolve the mobile data issue after they asked if LTE or 5G was connected and I said no. They said they "reprovisioned my mobile data" but who knows what they actually did.

        It's fairly likely that the person who pressed that button doesn't really know either! But sometimes that's necessary (which one reason why the GrapheneOS usage page includes "replacement SIM card" as an option: swapping the SIM card assigned to a number generally reprovisions that number).

        I'm glad it's working!

        Lock screen notifications overlay the status bar and clock and are positioned offset the top of the screen so only some are visible. Pixel 9 Pro Fold

          nunyo Update to the latest release. We already fixed the upstream Android 15 QPR1 lockscreen layout issue in our 2024121200 release. It was not specific to GrapheneOS and is resolved.

          I just updated to this version and it caused an issue with my mobile internet service. I could not access the internet using my mobile network.

          I remembered I set the setting to 4G only, and this probably caused this issue. I set it to 5G and it started working again, so I just set it to the '4G' setting and not '4G only'.

          Just wanted to throw that in here.

          Now I don't have internet anymore, not sure what is up. The 5G (or 4G) icon appears but there is no connection.

            Endless I don't understand. Why would you update to this release now?? In litterally the last comment, the GrapheneOS team advices to update to the newest release! And the newest release came out 4 days ago, fixing the exact issues you are reporting.

            Just make sure to always have the latest release installed, and please read the release notes for each release. This will make your life much easier.

              Panda-na I'm currently on the latest release, I thought this was the latest release thread. Build number is 2024121200

              Panda-na he would not be even able to update to lower code version if there is is a new one already.