My google pixel 6 no longer has functional cellular internet after installing this update. Phone calls still work, wifi still works. My telcom is the Verizon MVNO Total Wireless. Network reset, removing/reinserting sim card, and resetting APN had no effect.
Is the Carrier Configurations issue noted at still ongoing?
"Carrier configurations are no longer being set properly due to changes in Android 15 QPR1. Users on Alpha and Beta may need to manually adjust their APN settings and may temporarily have missing features until the next release bringing back proper carrier configuration matching the stock Pixel OS. This mostly applies to setting up a new SIM but may impact some users with an existing SIM. We'll have it fixed soon, but it requires a new release. We didn't have time to address it yet due to dealing with the much higher priority 9th generation Pixel Mali GPU kernel driver regressions which are now resolved by upgrading to the Android 15 QPR2 Beta 1 code for the Mali GPU kernel driver."