With this update on my P9P the IMS registration is gone for Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile), so no VoWiFi/VoLTE works atm. In settings menue for SIM and APN everything is set as it should, but ##4636## IMS status shows not registered for IMS, VoLTE/VoWiFi not available.

    With this update, fingerprint login when switching from secondary profile to primary user profile is not working. It works fine from primary to secondary. Pixel 8 pro

      n2gwtl Isn't that how it is supposed to work? To protect the primary user who is like the admin?


        I already donated multiple times when stuff got implemented on my wishlist. Just wanted to say this would be donarion-worthy :-)

        Since this update, RethinkDNS with wireguard isnt working anymore, no connections. Any ideas please?

          Rethinkdns with wireguard works fine for me, i'm on a pixel 8 pro, rethink also working fine with wireguard on my private space. what device do you have?

            The feature where I can receive a notification from second user was here some time and I just noticed it now, or it came with recent update?

            SerenityNow it's actually very important to be able to switch between profiles quickly. For usability reasons.

            OfflinePuffin Did not have that, but the fingerprint icon looked thinner too. Now everything is back to normal though. Maybe since the last update.

            the fun fact is that these icons are actually darker when dark mode os off, and brighter when dark mode it's on. it really looks like the design was flipped accidentally...