Yup. I can confirm that this update causes an issue on the 9 series. Especially the Pro Fold. Mine won't stop freezing and has trouble turning back on after restarting. I'll try and capture a bug report.

When trying to get the logs should I select the View logs option or Bug Report? Also under Bug report it has interactive report and full report. If it's one of those which should I choose?


I tryed to Flash back to official Release. Now I can‘t close bootloader anymore. Switch back to graphene stable Version also Not work….. Any ideas

    ErnestThornhill no i can downgrade when ever i want. This is my testdevice is not a real Problem to delete data in it. I'm now on stable again. Last Version ends in kernel crash every 2 minutes ... I sended log to devs..

      Official GrapheneOS account on Matrix:

      9th gen release has been taken out of Alpha for now

      we have no idea what's causing the issue beyond it being mmap-related calls stalling mainly when doing GPU-related work for the Mali GPU driver

      it may take a long time to resolve the issue

      appears to be no issue for anything other than 9th gen so we'll likely put it in Beta for the other devices soon

      we'll need a new release to fix whatever is wrong for 9th gen but we don't know what it is and it may be very hard to resolve

        The color of the icons is now inverted. Is it exposed somewhere in the settings the option to change this as it was before AP4A.241205.013?

          Yes on my 8a all is working fine too. Only on the newest devices not work...

          I just installed the beta, version 2024120700, there are no problems on my Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 and Pixel Tablet. (I have no Google services installed on any of the devices)
          Everything works fine.

          Carrier configurations are no longer being set properly due to changes in Android 15 QPR1. Users on Alpha and Beta may need to manually adjust their APN settings and may temporarily have missing features until the next release bringing back proper carrier configuration matching the stock Pixel OS. This mostly applies to setting up a new SIM but may impact some users with an existing SIM. We'll have it fixed soon, but it requires a new release. We didn't have time to address it yet due to dealing with the much higher priority 9th generation Pixel Mali GPU kernel driver regressions which are now resolved by upgrading to the Android 15 QPR2 Beta 1 code for the Mali GPU kernel driver.