This is what I received - looks like everybody receives a slightly different answer....

For your query we state that Our application might work on phones running GrapheneOS or other operating systems however, we do not officially support it or conduct any compatibility tests. This means the application may have limited functionality or might not be usable at all.

We have no plans to support those systems(GrapheneOS) in the foreseeable future.

In this case we suggest you to please use a device which is entirely working on Android/iOS operating system

    schklom For anyone who wants to pressure them, their official complaint channel is [](

    Great idea, I sent them a formal complaint as well, but through their online form mentioned on

    dokmaistr We have no plans to support those systems(GrapheneOS) in the foreseeable future.

    This sounds really hopeless, but plans could change, right. And yet, I would wish they support other custom ROMs as well, since I'm not a GrapheneOS user.

    Now, I can't login into the app even when 10.54
    At the end of the login process the app says "update to last version to continue" then no login


      "In this case we suggest you to please use a device which is entirely working on Android/iOS operating system"

      GrapheneOS is an Android operating system. In point of fact it is fully compliant with every facet of the Android Open Source Project.

      What you actually suggest is that I install a version of Android that gives Google root access to the device as that is what is required to pass the Play Integrity API checks. Those checks do not actually ensure a secure device, merely that the OEM is willing to install various Google apps at the root level.

      / what would be my response. But honestly, nothing will change until the lawsuits start.

        thanks for your suggestion. Here is the reply which is based on your text:

        For your inquiry I can completely understand your concern at this point;

        However we suggest you to please use a device that does not work on GrapheneOS as even if you install the app and log into it,then also you would be able to use the app only upto some extent.

        I apologize for the inconvenience

        So it seems that we are getting very conflicting replies from Revolut's CSRs. stfn received a clear reply that said that GrapheneOS users will soon be able to use the app again, others' feedback are still being forwarded to the development team, while others' feedback are simply dismissed and are told it's not going to be supported/allowed. So there's a chance that one of the the next releases of the app will allow GrapheneOS, but since we don't know for sure let's keep pressing the issue regardless.

        cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd Now, I can't login into the app even when 10.54
        At the end of the login process the app says "update to last version to continue" then no login

        Predictably, this would happen, but I'm a bit surprised they banned the older release so quickly.

          fid02 This is the answer I have received from the Revolut CSR when contacting via DM at Twitter/X:

          "Sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing with accessing your account. Currently, GrapheneOS is not supported. You can check the features supported by the web app here: Could you please try logging in using an Android or iOS device instead?"

          I think GOS will not be supported, unfortunelly.

            cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd I think GOS will not be supported, unfortunelly.

            That's strictly speaking not what they said in their reply. 😊 Can understand that people feel discouraged, but a conclusion is still not set in stone. Also, you should tell them that you are already using an Android device.

              Unfortunately, I can confirm this:

              Now, I can't login into the app even when 10.54
              At the end of the login process the app says "update to last version to continue" then no login

              Think everyone is just spinning their wheels.

              There are approximately 1.4 billion iPhone users and 3.9 billion Android users in the world. There are approximately 300 thousand Graphene OS users. In other words, Graphene OS represents 0.0057% of the smart phone population.

              What company that cares about maximizing the returns of their engineering resources would care about less than 1% of 1% of the addressable market? I can see privacy respecting companies caring, but hell, we haven't even been able to convince MySudo (a presumably privacy focused company) to support graphene properly and that was with Michael Bazzell pushing them to do so for years!

                treenutz68 What company that cares about maximizing the returns of their engineering resources would care about less than 1% of 1% of the addressable market?

                Starling Bank.

                Worth noting that a lot of GrapheneOS users contacted Starling about this at the time. They stopped blocking GrapheneOS at the end.


                  That's wonderful news. I wish mysudo was equally as responsive to graphene users needs. I think they've had an open issue around it claiming they would fix it for years. The problems being 1) no notifications without google play services and 2) you need a second stock ios or android device to make initial and subsequent payments

                  Felt like if a company that literally exists to improve a user's privacy didn't bother helping out graphene users (after acknowledging the issues years ago) then the odds are pretty low most non-privacy friendly companies will care.

                  Perhaps one note of interest: starling bank has roughly 4 million customers, while Revolut (the company at issue in this thread) has 45 million customers. Perhaps the size has something to do with their flexibility and responsiveness to a limited number of customer complaints?

                    treenutz68 Perhaps one note of interest: starling bank has roughly 4 million customers, while Revolut (the company at issue in this thread) has 45 million customers. Perhaps the size has something to do with their flexibility and responsiveness to a limited number of customer complaints?

                    It's only been 7 days since GrapheneOS users first contacted Revolut about this. Unless a flood of users start reporting that Revolut is telling them that "no, GrapheneOS will never be allowed, sorry, this comes directly from our developers", I'm personally not yet inclined to conclude that Revolut is going to ignore this – even if it feels like a lost cause. Might be worth noting that in general developers usually have a ton of things to do, and other "bugs"/problems might be prioritized even if others aren't going to be ignored and might be looked into in the future in spite of only affecting a minority of users. I don't think a week is a lot of time in that context.


                      Yeah, I had similar hopes for mysudo for a couple years. Fingers crossed Revolut does not disappoint in a similar way!


                      Yeah, the unfortunate conclusion is to not use an app-only/app-first bank. Use some high street bank that gives you a hardware token or uses SMS codes to authenticate you.

                      Still a sad development, because I'm sure the whole Play Integrity thing won't stop with banking apps and McDonald's... One day it might even be a requirement to be listed in the Play Store! (though hope springs eternal)