MotherShipton Obtainium will let you know of updates for any apps.
Proton Pass apk download
Is that true even if the download page linked above is completely static? I can see it would be able to see, for example, a Github releases page with a visibly new release but the Proton page doesn't ever change.
The link on the Proton page doesn't contain any version number information ( so how can Obtanium know of a new release?
You can download it from FDroid.
MotherShipton I was speaking about Obtainium in general and how it will notify a user when an app has an update available whether it be through GitHub or a website like APKMirror and APKPure (both of whom are track-only).
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You could theoretically use 2x links in Obtainium - one for convenient lookup of release info within Obtainium (link above in this post), another for apk updates (link in your post).
This isn't my setup though, not sure how it would work in practice or if this meets your needs.
zzz Okay thanks. I have had confirmation from proton that an apk download direct from them will not auto update so I either find a way to track the latest version number and manually update the app or use Aurora Store.
Obtainium has a site for adding configs like this for apps. You can search for Proton Pass at the site and it will provide an add button that will import the settings onto your Obtainium.
ZeroCool Interesting and very useful resource. I have not come across that site before. I clicked the green link to add Proton Pass to my Obtanium.
The link that Obtanium uses for the installation is the direct link from Proton page shown in my original post above. Perhaps that means that it can know when there is a new release even when the link address stays the same. I will have to try it and monitor the releases (Play store or Aurora) to verify.
Obtainium has a ton of ways it gets version infos. Versions are also embedded in the APK files.
ZeroCool MotherShipton
So when I add Proton Calendar or Proton Drive this way, the link is indeed to the Proton site where you can download the apks directly.
This method gives me a weird version setup, though. If I look at the Proton Drive app info in Settings, I get the expected version (2.9.0). However, if I look at the version info in Obtainium, I get a string of numbers: 598415131 and the message that "a pseudo-version is in use."
Obviously Obtainium (via that website) was able to add the correct version of Proton Drive. I'm just wondering why the Obtainium app itself lists that strange-looking version number and if there will be any problems going forward.
tilion_silverbow I'm not sure of the "secret sauce" but I believe Obtainium is using some calc hash or similar to make this pseudo version and is able to use that to determine when the direct site is providing a newer version. I have been using this method for several app versions now and it seems to work well for getting new versions.
So I just today discovered that the Proton apps I set up through Obtainium's website have not been updated since I added them. They are all a few versions behind what is on the Google play store.
Obtainium does not show any errors -- it seems as though it is monitoring the Proton apps website, but clearly not.
Can anyone confirm that their Proton apps are indeed getting updated via this method?
tilion_silverbow I "want" to say you're right. I think I had to manually check on the other three proton apps that aren't available via github and use this other method. I'm semi sure that I'm fully up to date at the moment, but I'll double check and get back if I find that I am behind and not being offered updates via Obtainium.
ZeroCool Any findings to report?
tilion_silverbow Actually yes, but not very helpful I'm afraid. I did notice that if I "re-add" the three that aren't on github using the Add to obtainium from the site, it does then seem to notice there is a new version available. Bad news is, since it hasn't been much time since I did that, there haven't been any version updates to see if it will alert me this time around. I also do not know if re-adding the configs from the site just tricked it into finding them or if there is any at all different or updated about the configs themselves.
Like I said, not really that helpful.
ZeroCool Yeah, I guess we'll just have to play the waiting game for when there are new versions available. I'll come back and report what happens whenever that occurs.
In the end, it isn't a super big deal -- I can just set a reminder to check the APKs manually once a week or something. But it would of course be nice to have this automated.
The last time I tried to update the Proton apps using Obtainium by scrapping the Proton github pages, it was failing more often than not. Oftentimes Aurora Store would show me updates were available for the Proton apps while Obtainium wouldn't find anything even when checking manually. That was the case few months ago.
Since then I've ditched Obtainium for Accrescent + Aurora Stora. While it's possible getting updates through Aurora is less secure than by Obtainium, it has been much more hassle free for me.
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krysor what are your criteria for comparing security of Obtainium vs Aurora?
That was my (possibly incorrect) conclusion from reading the forum posts.
Aurora Store has some issues of its own, and some of them overlap in fact with F-Droid. Aurora Store somehow still requires the legacy storage permission, has yet to implement certificate pinning, has been known to sometimes retrieve wrong versions of apps, and distributed account tokens over cleartext HTTP until fairly recently; not that it matters much since tokens were designed to be shared between users, which is already concerning.
Not sure how up to date that info is