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  • SMS registration is broken on android 15

someone27281 I used it in a work profile (owner is Google free). If you didn't try it in the owner profile, that might be a hint.

There're 4 apps in Play Store with BHIM in the name. What's the steps to reproduce? What's the error message? You can not provide 0 information and hope the issue be resolved magically.

Did you allow the messages permission for UPI and Google Play?

someone27281 Maybe Google moved something SMS related to their play services?

Just to confirm, you did have Google Play Services installed in the same user profile as the UPI payment apps, right? As you seem to imply the apps your tried need it to function properly.

    I am also facing the same problem, (Build # 2024102400, No google in primary profile, Secondary profile has google play services installed, no phone & sms permission for google play services). Following apps (have given phone & sms permission) have stuck at unable to send SMS. (Gpay (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.nbu.paisa.user), BHIM (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.org.npci.upiapp), iMobile (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.csam.icici.bank.imobile)).

    There is a limit to registration, so cannot do much retries also.
    In iMobile and gpay, if I see the logs getting lot of avc deined (e.g auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:15138): avc: denied { read } for comm="pool-7-thread-1" name="u:object_r:userdebug_or_eng_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=377 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c190,c256,c522,c768)

      vs8721 Forgot to mention the default SMS app is used, however on seeing it the messages from the banking apps are not sent and saying 'Not sent. Touch to try again' in the default SMS app in secondary profile. If I do the retry option it seems messages are going out. If I am sending SMS manually it got delivered without issues.

      vs8721 no phone & sms permission for google play services

      It seems plausible that might help. Has it been tried?

        de0u yes, one iteration i tried (will try again after my lockout period). Please note that the registration SMS code, I can see in the SMS app, but it is in undelivered state. If it is permission issue, those code word message wouldn't be in SMS app right? if i click retry option for the message in those undelivered SMS it goes out and I also getting response from the bank (which only proves SMS delivered to bank but its late for registration to complete). The problem is the banking app expect a response before it concludes SMS permission is not there. Will changing SMS app help? or this is bug in SMS app (for secondary profile)?

          vs8721 If it is permission issue, those code word message wouldn't be in SMS app right?

          If the bank app is expecting to collect the SMS itself, as opposed to you typing it in, then the bank app probably needs some SMS permissions.

          If the bank app is expecting one of the Google Play apps to collect the SMS for it, as opposed to you typing it in or it collecting the SMS itself, then some Google Play app will require some SMS permissions.

          Perhaps the bank app expects Google Play to collect the SMS but then it expects to be able to transmit the SMS itself. It's hard to say!

            vs8721 Please note that the registration SMS code, I can see in the SMS app, but it is in undelivered state.

            Exactly the same issue! So it's not me! @admin

            de0u Thanks, but even with Google Play Services given permissions for phone and SMS, the verification fails. On the apps they fail immediately saying not SMS permission, and if I switch to SMS app, after a delay I am seeing the message they are trying to send, however it is still in 'Not sent state'. With the android+google phones, however I don't see these kind of registration message in my SMS inbox. I guess the SMS is directly sent from the app, but in Graphene OS it is going to SMS app instead? My knowledge on android internals is very less, any one give any input it would be helpful, without UPI it is very difficult for me to use the phone.

              vs8721 On the apps they fail immediately saying not SMS permission, and if I switch to SMS app, after a delay I am seeing the message they are trying to send, however it is still in 'Not sent state'.

              1. Can you provide the exact error message?
              2. It may be the case that moving forward will require opening an issue on the GrapheneOS issue tracker. If you do that, please provide as much detail as you can (exact URL of bank app, or at least the app package name and version name; permissions granted to various apps; build number of GrapheneOS; version numbers of all Google Play components; etc.). A developer may ask you to privately send a copy of your system log file.

              Please note that if you create a GitHub account you must provide them with at least one "real" e-mail address, i.e., not an ephemeral address from a service for one-off verifications.

                de0u The error varies with the app, but all saying could not send SMS check SMS permissions.

                As an update, I finally installed Sanboxed Google Play services in the main profile, enabled phone and sms permission for both play services and the apps, and with that gpay and other apps working by sending SMS registration. I have to take back the statement that registration messages not visible in the SMS app, indeed I could see those registration messages in the SMS app, the only difference i see between the secondary profile and primary is that the registration SMS were sent properly in primary profile but not on secondary profile. I guess I have to run with play services 24/7 for now.

                Samsung's secure folder also having this kind of registration problem, and I assume its a larger android level problem with multiple profiles or similar, so for now I am not creating a issue in github.

                  vs8721 Thanks for reporting back! This information may be useful to other users. And might not be wrong to file an issue in a month or so when things have settled down.

                  GrapheneOS changed the title to SMS registration is broken on android 15 .