So what can I do at this point?
SMS registration is broken on android 15
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If it is really urgent and you can't figure out how to fix it right now you could revert to stock os.
someone27281 idk, said only that you cannot go back to 14
someone27281 Which GrapheneOS build number are you running? Are you using the built-in Messaging app?
The 2024101700 release included a fix to make the built-in app work on A15; other SMS apps might not work on A15 until they are patched.
de0u running the latest build - just had an update today. I had an issue where SMS are not showing up in secondary profiles regardless of allowing them or not. So I had a 3rd party messenger app installed.
I tried removing that app too and reverting back to the default SMS app. No effect.
DeletedUser131 I really really don't want to, but it's looking like I'll have to. The thing is factory reset is too much hastle and if I switch back, I know I'll never switch back to GOS
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someone27281 Make sure you uninstall all SMS apps except the default one GrapheneOS comes with, from all user profiles. Make sure you have all of 2G, 3G and 4G enabled in the cellular settings for your SIM. Make sure you have enabled mobile services in the user profile settings for the user profile you are having trouble with, if you have the UPI apps in a secondary user profile. Reboot phone, try again. If not working, go to System and reset options, and reset all cellular settings there. Reboot. Try again. If still not working, can you send and receive SMSes just fine if you use the GrapheneOS SMS app from that same user profile to send to a friend or family member? That is, is SMS broken entirely, or just for UPI apps?
someone27281 running the latest build - just had an update today.
"The latest build" might not mean the same thing to different people if something is going wrong with the updater on a device. People here are trying to help, and it would be polite to take a moment to report the actual build number from your device.
Tried everything, nothing is working. Probably need to factory reset the device.
someone27281 Maybe. A last thing you can test first is if the SIM card works in another phone. So it isn't your phone subscription that has trouble, ie you reached maximum number of SMSes for the month or something like that. Because if it is the SIM card itself, a factory reset won't help.
ryrona Nope. Performed factory reset, with great pain, and realised it didn't work. So I guess I can confirm with certainty GrapheneOS, either by design or by bug, does not allow 3rd party apps to Send SMS (Receiving is fine).
I hated to do it but finally I reverted back to stock. Android 15. Everything works as intended.
Maybe Google moved something SMS related to their play services? There was already a bug related to it, right?
someone27281 you could at least tell us the name of the problematic app(s) so that we can recreate the issue. I have never used a 3rd party app that sends SMS (I honestly haven't even heard of such a thing where I live) so there's no way to troubleshoot the problem without knowing what the app does.
DeletedUser87 any UPI payment app (incl. GPay). None of them works - all fails at sending SMS. Was working until android 15. Works perfectly in stock.
someone27281 UPI Payment app - I don't know which one. If you have a specific one, please share the name. As I assume this is a local (Indian) thing, I can't know which ones you're talking about.
DeletedUser87 for eg, GPay supports it in India. Also there's phone pay, BHIM (the govt one), also all banks app also have UPI nowadays.
someone27281 okay, I installed a random banking app that seems to support it, but I cannot really proceed since I don't have an Indian bank account. The app itself requested permissions to send and receive SMS and according to the system also accessed that permission, so on that front it seems to be working. The only thing that might break it, is Play Integrity API (which I don't know how that could be involved here, but it's a possibility with payment solutions).
DeletedUser87 did you use a secondary profile?
someone27281 Are you using a secondary profile? I might've missed it, but does your issue occur in the owner profile?
someone27281 I used it in a work profile (owner is Google free). If you didn't try it in the owner profile, that might be a hint.
matchboxbananasynergy I use play services in a secondary profile