Because Nextcloud can easily be used with the official Android app, which can act as a file location provider in Android, and e.g. be used for Seedvault Backups.

Wilflower I am running the NextCloud app on my GOS device with no issues. I just 'sync' those folders I want on my local device. What isn't working?

    lcalamar I downloaded the app from f-droid. On the initial screen immediately pops up a window to enter the address of the server, which I do not have. Do I necessarily have to have my own private server?

      Wilflower Either your own private server or you've signed up for a public server (likely paid). So the NExtcloud app is only the front-end to a backend server (wherever it is).

      5 days later

      Wilflower In my experience NextCloud on Android is not very reliable. Lost a few files last time I used it.
      Take a look at Syncthing for file synchronization and WebDAV server for Seedvault backups, may be a better option.

      I wouldn't say it's a stupid idea, but I'm not sure what kind of setup you have in mind here.

      In general, phones don't make good servers. And Nextcloud server is a particularly bloated piece of software. Even if it is technically possible, it seems unlikely that it would be reliable enough to be useful.

        I run it on my 7a too, but this is not what @othemad mad is asking about.

        They are wanting to run the Nextcloud server software on a phone.