Grkrz I agree with you in content but not in tone. Remember that this is a community project, and nobody is trying to break anything — the developers are trying to improve the OS and also having to perpetually catch up with Google regarding GmsCompat (sandboxed Play Services). The problem is that there is this single app which is essential to life in Denmark, and the app is aggressive in its "security" checks. And app compatibility is a thankless job; I am a software developer myself and I know this first hand.
That said, it is not a stretch to say that this particular update 'upset' the app in some way that it did not happen before. We have a number of reports there that confirmed it. I am also fairly confident that there is nothing in this update that should have upset the app, but the app has some stupid or buggy check that no longer passes. It would be nice to figure out what exactly it was to see if there is any workaround possible.
Unfortunately for us, Denmark is a small country. Were this app essential to life in US or another country of comparable importance, it would be such a deal breaker for any distro that the willingness to make it work (despite its faults) would be different.