Uphill1945 Thanks for pointing that out, I had to disable privacy.resistFingerprinting in about:config for it to work now. Left the other default fingerprinting settings enabled (as default).
Digid (dutch government ID app) not scanning QR code
@finitefutility just double checking; scanning the Digid QR codes with the app now works for you? I'm on 6.5.4 and it's still not working for me, no matter which desktop browser I use. I'm running without (sandboxed) Google Play Services though.
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I had the same issue with QR codes not being scanned. After installing sandboxed Google Play, the issue disappears. Network Access for at least one of the 3 Google Play apps is required. My test was with Network Access disabled first for all 3. When that didn't work, I enabled access for all three, and it started working.
I was hoping to avoid Google Play all together, but it looks like I found my first reason to start using User Profiles.
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This is a step in the right direction: https://github.com/MinBZK/woo-besluit-broncode-digid-app. Source code is published now, though it's a snapshot and not meant to accept contributions.
Relevant source code is here, which indeed relies on GMS: https://github.com/MinBZK/woo-besluit-broncode-digid-app/blob/master/Source/DigiD.Droid/Views/QRCodeDetectionView.cs
pascalw hey yeah it works but I do have Google Play Service set up...
And mildly enjoying how they were forced to publish a snapshot of their code... Glad to see transparency requests can sometimes work in government!
Indeed it works with Network Access enabled:
- Google Play services
- Google Play Store
- Google Services Framework
Have you guys noticed that when you enable Camera permission -> Ask every time
in the DigiD app, the app doesn't prompt you for camera access if the Google services above are enabled?
Is this still the case? or was it (hopefully) fixed?
Dby6 works perfectly fine
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Another DigiD user here ;) Ran into the same issue, DigiD only seems to scan QR codes when all three Google service apps are running with network permissions enabled. I would have not figured this out without this thread, so thanks!
I came up with this workflow btw:
- I have a Work Profile with the three Google services apps installed and DigiD that I use whenever I need DigiD to scan a QR code.
- I have another instance of DigiD running on my main user profile that I use whenever I want to access a DigiD-required website using the browser on the phone itself (this does not involve scanning a QR code, so no Google service apps are required).
It's not ideal, but it works. Anyway, nothing that GrapheneOS can fix I'm afraid. Really hope DigiD changes their QR scanner to not rely on the Google services in the future...
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Network access is required in order for the Google Play Store to download dynamite modules for Google Play services, including the machine learning vision module. They aren't using a Google service to scan QR codes but rather a Google library that's downloaded dynamically. If you disabled network access after the fact, it would likely work fine, but you would be blocking updates to dynamite modules. Disabling Network access for Google Play only intermittently is problematic since it will download and use dynamite modules while you have it granted and then you've blocked it from updating them. If you're enabling Network access intermittently for apps, you aren't getting the benefits of it. Apps are designed to queue up all their network requests until they have network access again. Therefore, toggling it on and off based on when it's needed doesn't improve privacy in the way that many people wrongly think it would. There's a reason it doesn't have an "Allow while in use" option like Camera, Microphone, etc. although in theory it could be added, but it would be misleading.
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This should be fixed now! 🎉
Confirmed working in build 6.9.3.
Hello, another Dutchman here. Since some 1 or 2 months I cannot use the QR code scanning of the Digid-app, whereas it used to work flawlessly.
I have tried this with GSF and Play Store and Play services all with Network-access.
It still does not work: no response in Digid to a QR code.
Any suggestions for me to test further? Thanks!