othemad Just the bigger screen/battery, really.
I was and still kind of am contemplating upgrading from my pixel 6 for MTE, display out etc, but I'm kind of bummed that 9th gen Pixels don't seem to have Qi2, even though I am unlikely to use wireless charging or use the phone without a case.
It feels like with Pixels moving towards more and more premium pricing and "flagship" quality, cheaping out on something like Qi2 for a phone that I'm supposed to keep for the next 7 years feels shortsighted.
According to an article I read, Google's justification is that Qi2 isn't as widespread yet. I'm not sure I agree with that, but even if that was the case, will it continue to be the case in say, 2-3 years? Probably not, and then you'll have a phone without that feature. Like I said, a bit shortsighted on their part.