Sbpr What about izzyondroid and Obtainium?
Like Accrescent, the IzzyOnDroid F-Droid repo distributes builds directly from developers. The repo also implements app signing key pinning and other security measures. If I'm not mistaken, this makes using the IzzyOnDroid repo equally secure as using Accrescent (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Obtainium is not a repo per se, although they have started a crowdsourced list of app configurations in the last months. Apart from apps in that list, apps installed via Obtainium are not curated (they are not scanned for malware, etc.). If your threat model considers developers compromising their own apps as a threat, that makes Obtainium less secure than Accrescent, and less secure than the F-Droid official and IzzyOnDroid repositories. However, if your threat model considers compromised F-Droid repos as a higher threat, it would be more secure for you to install an app via Obtainium. Accrescent would in theory resist a compromised repo, unless the Accrescent client was also compromised to remove app signing key pinning.