• General
  • Running apps indicator in notification area not there anymore?

I the notification area, when swiping down twice, on the very bottom there was an indicator showing the number of currently running (and background) apps, next to the buttons for switching user, powering off the phone etc. Clicking on that indicator (number), opened a list of currently running apps. As I've a VPN app, there always was at least one app showing.
Today, I noticed that this "running apps indicator" isn't there anymore. Is there a new setting to show/activate it or anything else I'm missing about that?
Thank you for any advice. Best regards

This indicator is a bit buggy, especially when switching between users. Sometimes it get lost. The easiest way is to just ignore it, at some point it will show up again.

If you want to nudge it, you can switch users, reboot or force stop System UI IIRC (at own risk).

    doublefree Thank you for your comment. Yes I was switching between owner and another user a couple of times, so I guess that indicator got "lost" somehow. Next day, powered on the phone and the indicator was back again.
    I don't know if that is part of AOSP or GOS, would be nice to get that fixed. It's an important indicator imo as it's showing what is "going on" on the phone...