12 days later
3 months later

MetropleX I only use the stock messenger app. Are there other apps that will let me change the color of the app? I love dark mode, but the app is so bright green I can't stand it.

    Orphee signal as sms client doesn't play nice with certain iPhone friends.

      a month later

      Signal is going to remove SMS funcionality from the app. Simple SMS currently seems to be the best option. Would however be nice if the native messaging app supported dark mode, but I under stand things take time

        themaestr0 the 'time' you'll be waiting for it just as an FYI will be dictated by AOSP not GrapheneOS.

        Visual/Theme elements not specific across the OS are out of scope for our core dev team, when the goal posts are constantly moving regards tech privacy/security their eyes must remain on the ball in that field of play.

        We do however appreciate little QoL improvements like this but for them to be achievable while also being maintained and so forth will require increased funding etc.

        If all GrapheneOS users donated even the smallest amount via any of the options mentioned https://grapheneos.org/donate the sky would be the limit. It isn't the size of donations that is most important small regular amounts would enable the project to do so much more.

        We appreciate everyone regardless however, just hope you can appreciate why such things aren't always addressed or as quick/given the priority some would like.

          For people using Simple SMS, are you having issues with it? I am, so I went to Github and found something (in Issues) posted by a fellow GrapheneOS user:


          This also describes the issue I'm having with it - older messages load slow, and you can't search older messages.

          I have used Partisan SMS (an updated and encypted QKSMS fork) and did not have the same problem I had with Simple SMS.


          Currently I'm using Textra with network and a few other permissions removed - no problems with that either.

          • abcZ replied to this.

            Max-Zorin Whatever you do, do NOT trust Partisan SMS for encryption! They're using symmetric key encryption and default to use of a global key shared with all contacts. This is obviously a horribly dangerous approach since if ANY contact using that global key is compromised, or if the key is observed during transfer, communications to ALL contacts with that key will be compromised.

            What they should be doing is using public key encryption, which allows for the public keys to be exchanged over unsecure mediums, and eliminates the possibility of having one compromised contact compromising other contacts.

              abcZ Thanks. This is good info I was unaware of. What SMS solution would you recommend other than stock aosp?

              • abcZ replied to this.