Weird typing bug in Proton Mail app
de0u unfortunately the problem has returned 😑
Do you guys have any other things I could try?
Thank you
chock-a-block (sourced from Google Play Store because I can't find a better source)
They host the files on Github, you can track new releases there (either via email notifications with a Github account, or with Obtainium.)
Linked to here, and you can verify the authenticity of the downloaded files with their signing certificate fingerprint.
chock-a-block Do you guys have any other things I could try?
Maybe contact Proton?
chock-a-block It does this with the stock GOS keyboard and any other keyboard I install.
I had this exact behaviour in Proton Mail with the GrapheneOS keyboard. I think it's likely related to a bug in Jetpack Compose:
I had this behaviour in Standard Notes as well. It was utterly annoying, so I changed to Gboard, and I've never had this issue again. If it's the Jetpack Compose bug, it's nothing GrapheneOS can do about it.
I haven't tested other keyboard apps. Which other keyboard apps are you using?
fid02 that is discouraging to hear. I am using Openboard mainly. Would that have the same flaw you mentioned?
- Edited
The proton mail app for Android has been a disaster for years. I've posted about various issues on PM's subreddit, PM simply does not care.
PM works best when used in-browser through Vanadium. I keep the PM app active only for the sake of notifications, then compose any replies inside vanadium.
spiral yea development seems to be atrociously slow. I wonder if stock Android users are having this typing issue as well.
I don't have the impression that the Proton Mail Android app development is slow, nor that it is a disaster. I've been on the beta channel on the Play Stores for months, and it's been slowly improving, with regular releases. They have a web app which is good on mobile, but lacking a bit in convenience because of the small screen and it's not really optimized for it. I'd like the Android app to have more features, but I think it's currently allright.
Back on topic: Openboard seems to me to be largely unmaintained. I see that it hasn't received a commit for the past year, and the latest release was two years ago. Might it be better to switch to a keyboard app that is more actively maintained? I think it's really the only option you have if you want to avoid this bug, short of discontinuing to use all the apps where it manifests. Florisboard is often brought up as an open-source alternative. I just tested the latest Florisboard alpha release with Proton Mail, and I didn't experience any issues.
Dumdum Heliboard works great and it does not cause the issue in Proton Mail. I miss the swipe typing that Openboard has but maybe Heliboard will add that feature. Thanks!
Heliboard supports swipe typing via 3rd party module which is not an open source, that's why not bundled and you have to manually install it.