Nuttso Incredible how bad and anti user friendly your suggestions are (especially 3,4 and 5). I hope they won't materialize. I understand the need to make the issue visible but please not like this.
Users who are willing to donate probably will and find their way, users who doesn't want to contribute in any way probably never will.
With your suggestions you won't persuade anyone but you would for sure alienate people like me who are willing to donate but refuse any ads (your banner is some form of an ad) on their own device, and they would rather leave. The same as I wouldn't use Mac anymore just because of annoying pop ups about iCloud. Plus do not forget that with your suggestions you would punish also those users who frequently donate.
The banner on download site or even on discuss forum is in my opinion acceptable, because I visit those pages and understand that donations are crucial for a project to survive. But I personally have no sympathy for being interrupted on my device in my time with a pop up wanting money. You could as well suggest to set up undismissible timer and wake users to not forget to donate - that would also be... Not entirely OK:-)