• Announcements
  • Request for testing and feedback with Bluetooth on Android 14 QPR2 GrapheneOS

Does it have to be a pro? Could be cheaper If there's another model we can use.

Just donated 25.00. All we need is 85.00 more and the team has a watch.

GrapheneOS I also have a spare obdlink mx if needed .
Is your PayPal account back up and running for donations ?

We've purchased a Galaxy Watch 6 Classic with eSIM support for a bit under 250 USD for one of the developers. It should arrive in a few days.

We've determined that the stock Pixel OS is using a different Bluetooth module version from what's available in AOSP. This is almost certainly what leads to the issues not occurring on the stock OS. They appear to have done something like taking a snapshot of the main branch, applying security patches and testing it via the CTS, etc. without doing real world testing. The stock OS is using different code which was properly tested and fixed up before release. They either pushed the wrong Bluetooth module tag to AOSP due to a mistake or they are building it from an APEX (mainline) module despite it not being updated as a Google Play mainline module yet. It's likely the latter, and they forgot to push APEX tags for it because it's not an official mainline module yet. We've contacted them and hopefully they'll resolve this by pushing tags soon. As soon as proper tags are available, we can get to work building the code they shipped rather than the broken code in AOSP.

This is an unfortunate situation beyond our control. Anyone building AOSP QPR2 will face the same issues. There isn't a Google Play mainline module for Bluetooth yet which would result in there being tags since mainline modules are fully open source.

We can only hope they push tags quickly. It's unrealistic for us to figure out how to fix the issues ourselves.

AOSP Bluetooth code in QPR2 likely DOES pass the CTS, but they didn't do enough real world testing and are unaware that it's broken with specific devices. Stock Pixel OS code appears somewhat older, not newer, and we likely got new bugs from the main branch they forked for QPR2 AOSP which they avoided for stock Pixel OS by building something older. The issues we got from AOSP QPR2 may be fixed in main already but it may have new issues and we also can't simply use that code since it won't build due to dependencies on changes elsewhere.

We're doing our best and this is in fact not caused by any GrapheneOS changes or features.

    PeterPan If you can use Github Sponsors that is preferred over PayPal due to Github charging 0% fees for sponsoring individual developers. The donations still go to the GrapheneOS Foundation and not just to the developer who owns the Github account.

      Installed GrapheneOS today on Pixel 6. BlueTooth works perfectly with my car, Google ear buds and google assistant.

        Etm571 Yup, similar with me. Nearly all tested devices work (Skoda car from 2012, cheap China car stereo, Plantronics headset, cheap Aukey headset, Innateck BT receiver, Musegear Finder tag, etc.).
        Only Pebble Time watch with Gadgetbridge app has problems. The watch connects to the phone, but Gadgetbridge app must establish the connection itself - and this isn't working anymore.

        Bluetooth working OK with my Mercedes vehicle and LG wireless ear phones in the OWNER profile only. Problems with incoming calls in the GApps profile as described in Github issue #3174

        We've received the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic and can replicate the issue. No progress on resolving it yet.

        GrapheneOS I’m not sure if my issue applies to this discussion, specially since I am on Build 2024031400. I don't know what QPR2 means.

        I pretty much use Bluetooth only for transferring files. I do not use it for connected devices like watches or earbuds.
        Recently I am experience file transfer failures when sending files from my Pixel 6pro (P6p) to my Surface Pro 5 (SP5) laptop. My P6p is running build number 2024031400 and my SP5 laptop is running Windows 10 Pro and is current with MS security updates.

        I have noticed when I can’t send from my P6p to my SP5, my P6p can receive from my SP5. Most files being transferred are jpg and pdf ranging from 100kb to 4mb.

        I’m happy to provide the GOS Support team with additional info if this is of interest and relevant to this discussion/thread. If it doesn’t apply, then sorry for the clutter.

        Thanks :)

        Along with my Watch 6 Classic, I also have an AsteroidOS Watch, I believe it also uses BLE, it pairs and operates properly, but can require several attemps to reconnect after disconnecting, in one case I had to reboot the watch, when it reconnects I have to accept some security pairing notice on the watch everytime, the watch never used to do that, but it does reconnect and operate, I will test it again once the Galaxy watch issue has been resolved, as I belive whatever is going on with that, is also causing this odd connection behaviour with AsteroidOS.

        Something I would also like to add, this Oppo watch Im using with AsteroidOS connected to the Pixel 8 Pro has only lost 16% battery in 7hrs, the phone is also doing well, the drain only happens when the Samsumg watch is trying to connect, 7hrs and its almost flat.