Hi guys,

I'm using the GMaps app for months without Google Play Services on a Pixel 7 with an up to date GOS.
Logging in isn't possible as it depends on the Play Services but I even managed to make the navigation work, I just need to activate the permission for location before I start GMaps.

To my surprise, the app stopped working somewhere around last week.
"Stopped working" means, it doesn't load any map content anymore.
I just see a grey background where the map has been before.
I can search for places, watch pictures, do anything else how I should be able to.
No need to tell you: without any map access, the app isn't usable.

First thing I've tried is to delete cache, then delete data, then remove and install the app again.
The only thing that has surprisingly worked was the new installation (there shouldn't be any difference to just deleting all the files of the app, right?).
Even more surprising was, that the app did stop working for a second time after a short period, not more than a few minutes.
I don't remember what I have done before that, such as restarting the app. Can't remember if there were any software updates of GOS or the GMaps app before.
Anyway, the app didn't work since then. Not a single time, not even for a short period. Always just the grey background.

Does anyone know that issue, is there any explanation or even a solution for that?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Have checked it, I have the same version installed.
But as this version is only a few days old, the problem existed with older versions too.

Do you have Play Services installed?

    Maybe this is the reason?

         1707071326.576 29547 29547 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.product.name_for_attestation"
         1707071326.576 29547 29547 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.product.device_for_attestation"
         1707071326.576 29547 29547 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.product.manufacturer_for_attestation"
         1707071326.576 29547 29547 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.product.brand_for_attestation"
         1707071326.577 29547 29547 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.product.model_for_attestation"

    or this

         1707071414.534 28458 29753 I WebViewFactory: Loading app.vanadium.webview version 121.0.6167.143.1 (code 616714432)
         1707071414.546 28458 29753 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~1N07GrNf0Y-GfdTXv59FRw==/app.vanadium.trichromelibrary_616714432-Ks7TtVQNua8LZE_APvBFQQ==/base.dm': No such file or directory
         1707071414.546 28458 29753 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~1N07GrNf0Y-GfdTXv59FRw==/app.vanadium.trichromelibrary_616714432-Ks7TtVQNua8LZE_APvBFQQ==/base.dm': No such file or directory

    @rndmE @cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd There was another person here on the forum recently with, I believe, the same problem. Turns out Google Maps stopped working for them and their theory was that Google Maps now relies on Google Play.

    I just tested on my phone and it appears that that might be the case. Google Maps works in a profile with Google Play, but doesn't work in a profile without it.

      • [deleted]

      Expect other Google apps that currently work will follow the same trend and lots of other apps available in Play Store as a Google's own crackdown on non-certified OSs.

      I have tested this too.

      I have set up a second profile:

      1. without Play Services: GMaps is just grey.
      2. Installed Play Services: GMaps works instantly.

      But the answer I've hoped for, but I guess this is confirmation enough.

      GMaps seems to need Play Services from now on.

      @rndmE I had this issue when I initially installed Graphene. I couldn't find a solution besides reinstalling the OS. I can see the content of GMaps. However, and this was an issue with my initial installation as well, Transit app has the same issue, even still. Not sure if the two are related but worth mentioning. I do have Google Play installed along with GSF and play services, but not with network permissions. Hopefully this helps people with some tech literacy figure out a solution. I sure don't have a clue.

      Update: Giving Google Play Services network permissions just to initially open the app (Transit in this case but I assume for others as well) and allow the map to be shown worked. It persisted to work even after network perms from Play Services was removed and device was rebooted.

      I don't think that this is the end.
      I will use GMaps in the WebView App and navigate with Organic Maps.

      You could also just install Google play services and use GMaps as ever before.

      Why would you switch to iOS? They grab everything, just like Google. Did you for example read the "news", that Google and Apple as well are reading all your push notifications?

      A custom rom provides a trustable and secure OS where you can choose yourself, what trash you put on top of it. Google Android nor iOS won't ever reach that.

        rndmE @redfoxjumper Good point. It would be pretty big suck to have to use Play services for necessary life utilities... But does that mean we have to use play services on stock android? Nah, why not on GOS where we still have more control?

        rndmE You could also just install Google play services and use GMaps as ever before.

        I have play services on my main profile, but if I used maps in it regularly it would tie my location data (from gmaps) to the dummy account i have.

        rndmE that Google and Apple as well are reading all your push notifications?

        I use play services for push notifications anyway, so that's a lost cause either way.

        rndmE Why would you switch to iOS? They grab everything, just like Google. Did you for example read the "news", that Google and Apple as well are reading all your push notifications?

        Agreed that they grab just as much data. But unlike google, apple doesn't have a huge foothold/monopoly on search, maps, videos (youtube), web advertisement, web analytics, email (gmail), smartphones, etc. Apple only has smartphones, that's it. Google ties all that data together in their profile of everyone.

        Working for me without Google play services. Sorry, I'm not sure it's working because I didn't use it yet. But the maps are loading perfectly when I open the app

        Maps is behaving weird. I have to install the full Google "experience" now, with both Play Services and Store. Otherwise the app won't work.


          I tried again in my work profile. This time instead of just GSF I installed all of play services. Restarting maps then worked. However If i forced closed maps, then uninstall all play services, Maps became broken again.

          I just installed everything and then deactivated the apps up to bottom. Looks like maps needs Play Services (GPS) installed and running. But you can block any permission, as far as I can say. Play Store is necessary, as well, but you can complety deactivate it? Looks like its only checking if you have it installed, at the moment. Running Play Service seems to be mandatory, though.

          Not sure about GMS and GSF. Will do further tests to minimize the area of attack.

          Edit: Service Framework (GSF) can be deactivated, as well. Maps appears to run on Google Play Services and Play Store, now, with Play Store deactivated and Play Services set to bare minimum in app settings.