From what I've seen people say, Nextcloud's E2EE is unreliable for regular use and, according to Nextcloud themselves, isn't even compatible with server-side encryption, and so it typically isn't recommended.

Notice: E2EE is currently not compatible to be used together with server-side encryption

But maybe this has improved a lot recently?

    Dumdum It has improved since they said that although the Notes app particularly isn't very good and could be much better. As far as the encryption goes they made it work in the newer versions.

    I use an open source app called Orgzly Revived. It fully supports offline notes, and you can synchronize it to a secure medium (for this I use encrypted rclone remotes, accessed via SAF using RCX.)

    Unlike many note-taking apps, it supports org-mode, a very mature note format first developed for Emacs and also supported by github, etc. There is no Markdown support in this app but it is not lacking in powerful text formatting tools. The app has particularly good support for todo lists and repeatable reminders.

    finitefutility What are your reasons for using Obsidian when an open source alternative exists - Logseq?

    Logseq is essentially Obsidian, except it's open source. Made my selection between Obsidian vs. Logseq a no brainer.

    I've been a happy use of Logseq for about 1 year now, and there's nothing I wish Logseq had. I have it on my Linux, my Windows, my multiple Android devices, and my Android tablet, and everything works seamlessly.

    I also don't use any proprietary syncing either - my Logseq notes are synced through the open source Syncthing protocol, so none of my notes are stored online.

    EDIT: I had also enjoyed Joplin, but Logseq is much more powerful with its ability to cross-reference notes, which allows you to build a personal knowledge graph. Incredibly powerful, IMO.

      There is also "Sealnote" which is totally offline, but hasn't had an update sinds 2017.
      But even better; there is "DroidFS", in which all sorts of files can be stored encrypted and be viewed from whithin that storage, you can take photos directly from within the encrypted part and .txt files can also be edited there.
      This app is also fully offline.

      Standard notes app was good before but now is bad to me since like 2 years and even more since they rewrote it to use the webapp code. It is slow to launch even when you disable local encryption as recommended by them to speed it up and disabling grapheneos features, Worse if you use the night theme it is flashing white/black when you launch the app..
      Slow to launch and flashing white/black made me disgusted of the app.

      For now i just use the free standard notes webapp to transfer texts between android profiles, it's almost like if the webapp is better than the real app and i think it launch quicker

      there is some good points for them: they added 2fa to the free tier and Private username mode with no mail needed

      Vagabond8630 I did try Logseq (probably more than 2 years ago) because it is open-source but it did not work for me. Primarily because in my view Logseq is an outliner-based notes app and I simply don't like that style for every note I create. In fact, that I can't choose when to use bullet points really annoys me, but this is of course highly personal. In my view, this should be a simple, core setting of the app. However obviously if you love doing everything in outlines, then this will definitely be your app of choice. Just had a quick look online now and it looks you can mess around with CSS (with partial success?) and there are 3rd party plugins, but I'd prefer not to do that. I don't use custom CSS or 3rd party plugins with Obsidian either.

      As much as I think open-source is important, and I truly wish Obsidian would reconsider their decision, it isn't everything to me and I'm not willing to default to options that are open-source, but don't provide me the functionality I am looking for. And do remember, even in open-source software critical bugs/security issues can go unnoticed, like Heartbleed as an example. I try to go FOSS wherever I can but achieving a 100% success rate is currently impossible (for me). You're right, I like Syncthing a lot and I "should" probably use it for syncing my notes too. My choice for using Obsidian Sync was convenience and supporting Obsidian team periodically (which can be done via other options), in other words completely arbitrary and probably indefensible :)

        finitefutility Gotcha, those are perfectly valid reasons to choose Obsidian. I can understand the outliner-or-nothing approach of Logseq to be a deal breaker for people who write mostly in full sentences/paragraphs. For example, if you were using Logseq to write stories, for example, it would not be a good fit.

        Thankfully for me, I use my note-taking app to write notes, and I always default to bullet points anyways, so for me, Logseq is perfect. But I understand that Obsidian meets your needs better.

        PMUSR Do you need a subscription of Standard Notes to install themes from the link you posted above because I cant seem to install themes from the link with their guide

        No, you don't need a subscription. My theme preference for standard notes is Dracula and it is also my theme set for most programs and apps, that support it.

        If the ones listed on that repo are unmaintained/old, than they might not be compatible.

          akc3n No, you don't need a subscription. My theme preference for standard notes is Dracula and it is also my theme set for most programs and apps, that support it.

          If the ones listed on that repo are unmaintained/old, than they might not be compatible.

          I was only interested in the "Pure Black Theme" and it did not work. Tried a few others and they worked but I dont like them colors. Is there any black themes out there that works or is the Github link the only source?

            PMUSR Is there any black themes out there that works or is the Github link the only source?


              akc3n ¯_(ツ)_/¯

              I managed to get what I wanted by forking a theme that were close to my needs and made adjustments to it so now I finally got it the way I wanted the theme. Its pitch black with white text and a little bit touch of blue. I never have messed around before with making adjustment to a theme so I only got it to work with the Android app :)

              8 days later

              I have been struggling with ‘notes apps’ for ages. They’re always missing something. I have tried millions of them.

              I have decided to use a Cryptomator vault, and store notes in that. That way I can use whatever app I want - even multiple apps.

              I have been stressing for yonks about it. I feel quite content with my decision! And I am not remotely locked in, except to Cryptomator.

              4 months later

              When it comes to secure note-taking apps, you might want to consider a few options. Evernote is a solid choice, known for its versatility and strong security measures.