Now I have 2 system updates within one day, one in the morning and one at night...

Launcher: disable white gradient at the top of the home screen

Andddd you guys win Android.

Would you mind removing that horrible Google logo at reboot ?...

    • [deleted]

    This is the brand of the phone...

    Anyone else having an issue with their white accent colour turning to a reddish pink after the recent update? Items that where once white are now slightly pink Imgur Screenshot

      Nam0 Yup. I saw the exact same thing on my Pixel 6.


      With the update the style has changed. You should be able to switch back to the old one by choosing the left color (IMO blue, not white) in:
      Settings -> Wallpaper & style -> Basic colors

      • Nam0 replied to this.

        res You are a beautiful human being I appreciate you so much, but yeah must've been blue before there isn't a white option but the 11th option on basic colours looks similar enough and gets rid of that pinkish colour

        • res likes this.