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XL87LGV7W9EY7Y7A5Z9B3T7N6ZRX74 which was installed first the merlin or the play services? If the former, uninstall it and reinstall as the Play Services are detected by apps on first use.

If the latter did you install using the Play Store app page in the Apps app? If not and you only installed either Play Services or GSF or both uninstall ALL and start again using the Play Store page to install all 3 required components.

You shouldn't need to give any of the Play Services components location permission as all location requests are by default routed to the OS API reliant on just GPS and not a network location service.

To get a lock you will then need a direct line of sight to the sky or even better be stood outdoors between 2-5 minutes for first lock while additional satellite data is downloaded.

You can also validate the device and OS are able to get a lock using https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.android.gpstest

    13 days later

    Is there a spreadsheet or separate forum thread where I can document my experience using some of the banking apps in my region (Australia)?

    • nrt replied to this.
      9 days later


      MetropleX I validated that the GPS is getting a lock. The Merlin app is still not functional. Upon clicking the main "Start Bird ID" button the app does indeed turn on the location (the green icon appears in the upper right) but it fails to register the location in the app. Then it offers to search instead by Zip code or to place a pin in a GoogleMap manually, but these do not work either. The fact that even manually setting a location fails indicates to me that the problem is not the app accessing the phones location but something else not working. Is there any other help you could offer? I'm able to donate 1.0 XMR (Monero) to anyone who helps me get this working as birdwatching is a major hobby of mine.

        I'm having issues with the Garmin Explore app freezing and crashing shortly after opening and clicking around a little bit. It's not just one thing that does it, it just seems like after a certain amount of interaction it freezes. Other Garmin apps seem to work fine but the Explore app seems to have issues. I've tried giving it all permissions, I have GSF, clearing data/cache, reinstalling the app, etc.

        I have a ticket with Garmin but it's sort of dragging on, can anyone think of a reason why GOS and Explore might not get along or something I can pass long to Garmin? Or recommendation for a good logging app to give them some better diagnostic data?

          estimatormap I have exactly the same issue. I also tried to clear cache etc. Nothing works. And Garmin Explore is the only app I have these problems with. I now use a Pixel 6 Pro. On a Pixel 4a I didn't have these problems.

            I'm unable to use Google Voice on GrapheneOS. I have both Google Services Framework and Google Play services installed. When I open the app, I see a spinner and the message "Failed to load accounts." There is no other information of what the issue is or what to do.
            Can advice on a quick fix? If not, how can I get more debugging info to investigate the issue further? Does GOS expose something like syslog or another audit log?

              palantir Did you install Play Store and press sign in to initialize it? It's likely needed since as the usage guide says, it provides services used by apps:

              The Play Store provides many services used by apps including Play Asset Delivery, Play Feature Delivery, in-app purchases and license checks for paid apps. You can use sandboxed Google Play without the Play Store but many apps won't work correctly without it. The Play Store app is also the most secure way to install and update apps from the Play Store. Installing it is highly recommended for general purpose usage but you can install only GSF or only GSF/GMS if you know it's all you need for what you want to use.

              After installing Google Play, Play services needs to be initialized. Our recommended approach is to open the Play Store, press the sign in button and wait for the sign in page to load. Once the sign in page is loaded, it means Play services is finished initializing. You can leave the app without signing into an account. Signing into a Google account is only required if you want to use features depending on being signed into an account. For example, some apps use Google account authentication instead of their accounts having a username and password. The Play Store requires being signed into an account in order to install apps or use in-app purchases. This is still true even for an alternate frontend to the Play Store. Aurora Store still requires an account but fetches shared account credentials from Aurora Store's service by default.

              You'll likely need to reinstall Google Voice after you do that to make sure that it detects it and is able to use it.

              Can somebody say something about car sharing apps like Sixt, ShareNow, Emmy etc., where you unlock the car via bluetooth?

              lippling Glad I'm not the only one. Have you put a ticket into Garmin about it? Having another complaint might help.

                Symantec VIP

                I am required to use Symantec VIP for my job in healthcare.

                I had to undergo a long series of identity verification and proofing in order to use it.
                I asked Symantec if their app will work with GrapheneOS, they had no idea.

                Can we confirm that it will work?

                Thank you!

                  Landed8507 I use Symantec VIP with one of my financial institutions and it works great, doesn't even need sandboxed Google Play. That said push notifications don't work, you have to enter the code every time.

                    I have Grapheneos freshly installed on a Pixel 6 and I am quite satisfied so far. I only use a single user. The sandboxed google services are installed.

                    I have Grapheneos freshly installed on a Pixel 6 and I am quite satisfied so far. I only use a single user. The sandboxed google services are installed.

                    But now there is a problem with my Nextcloud connection. I have installed the Nextcloud app and the Nextcloud Notes app from the F-Droid store. The login with the Nexcloud app works without any problems.

                    However, the Notes app, also the Nextcloud Deck-App, does not allow single-sign-on. Error message: "Your Nextcloud files app does not currently support the single sign-on function. Please update: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... oud.client"

                    Apparently, the paid version from the Play Store is necessary here. Does anyone know of a workaround without having to use the Play Store? The apps work great together on my Galaxy phone. And I'm sure I'm using the version from the F-Droid store there too.

                    Is this perhaps a permissions issue? Could someone please help me?

                      the_mask do you use your Google account for SSO?

                      In most cases the F-Droid versions are stripped of all proprietary non FLOSS components:

                      It is likely that SSO is Play Services dependent especially with a Google Account. Also if a paid version is necessary from the Play Store unless the developer has an in app way of validating a license key that can be provided from them by submitting a play receipt, then you will have to login to Play using the account used to purchase the app before migrating to GOS.

                      I don't use Nextcloud but many in our [Matrix] Community do and it might be worth asking there at the link below for a faster response:

                        Thanks MetropleX for the quick reply.

                        I do not use a google account for the SSO. Nextcloud is hosted in a webspace. I have created a user there where I manage calendar, addresses and notes. The user is name@adress.com.

                        It will not fail because of a donation for the developer. I'll gladly pay it for the tool if that's the real reason (I'll also gladly pay it if it's not necessary :-)).
                        But since it works on my current device and I'm sure I haven't donated yet, I doubt that's the real reason. If there are any further hints in the community, I would be very grateful.