I thank you for the very detailed explanations, but as I said this was the first time I use GraphenOS.
I'm used to making my smartphones subservient to me, i.e. to modify everything I think is right with root rights. I have been doing this for the last 15 years and have never had a "security problem".
My last two came from OnePlus, and there it was no problem to use this keyboard exclusively.
So I mistakenly assumed a problem with the new OS, because for what reason should it not work now although it always worked before? That newer Android versions are responsible for this I had probably suppressed, because I will probably have installed the keyboard app as a system app, there is a tutorial on the homepage. This Is not possible due to the lack of root rights in GraphenOS.
So I must find another way to prevent the system keyboard sending my typing words for autocorrection in the Internet.
@de0u Thank you I will check if a snapshot build has this option.
Btw. I tried your suggests but without success, I had to do a factory reset. And if I think of my last smartphone, which has a broken display, the only thing what maked me very happy about was the otg keyboard that had logged me in and I could safe my data. I will change this unnecessary (for me) security feature. Hell I have much to learn I think, but I am evil in doing things to work how I wish it :D
The App Manager is indeed a very powerful tool that I will use furthermore, but I will not try anymore to deactivate the standard keyboard, thats for sure.
What about the blocking function of trackers of the App Manager, if I want to "mute" the necessary apps from the Playstore that I will/must install in future?
The blocking would be performed immediately after installation via Intent Firewall. Is this intervention also a security risk for GraphenOS? What possibilities are there in GraphenOS to interfere with the target addresses of the built-in trackers included in Auora/Playstore apps?
Is it possible to root GraphenOS, make certain changes and then undo the rooting?
Another Question: If I use an IPSEC tunnel and the server has an DNS Server on Port 53, but I had set private DNS in the configuration of GraphenOS, which DNS Server will be used?
And is the private DNS a systemwide thing, or only for App Browsing, I mean e.g. SSL tunnel with "connect bot", how will this DNS Querys going into the network?
Hopefully you all don't take my words as criticism in your direction or of the OS, I don't know much about writing code and how to keep code safe, but I think I know a lot about how to use software and I often come to the end of the possibilities of software, either because it is too much work or because it doesn't work, which I can't know without someone explaining why. On this way I look for other possibilities until it works as I think it should.
I thank you in advance for the competent answers!