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Please, how to create at my home a google account without any phone, and, NEVER anybody knowing my IP to be safe, and always completely for free?
Please, how to create at my home a google account without any phone, and, NEVER anybody knowing my IP to be safe, and always completely for free?
Man, just use the search.
This was literally 4 threads down: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/3366-how-to-create-google-account-anonymous
einherjar I knew about this. But there is not any advice what should I do when in my case there is NO option "SKIP PHONE". Also, there is not any advice, either, how I should resolve the fact anybody sees my IP, either.
By "no phone" do you mean "no phone number"? Or do you mean creating on the desktop computer?
If using your home network, to hide your ip you will have to use a vpn. However if you use a vpn then google usually demands a phone number.
If you dont want to give a phone number there is a few methods:
If you are making the account on a desktop pc, do remember that the browser you use could get fingerprinted by google and associated to the account, even if you use vpn. Unless if you use the right browser. Just fyi.
User2288 Yes, I see it's difficult to find any resolution because you did not provide any one:
I very appreciate your post, unfortunately, as you see, this does not resolve the problem.
googleuser Yes, I use public wifi at home. However, through this connection is visible my IP and I had to provide all of my personal details to the public wifi provider to be able to use it. I do not have any other option.
A public wifi will not and should not show your home IP. So that doesn't make sense. Also NEVER give your personal information to a "public wifi". If there is no other way then dont use that wifi.
If you dont want to pay then you only have ONE option. You HAVE TO go to another public place that has wifi, like a library, cafe, restaurant, etc. You have no other option.
If you are willing to pay then there are a few different options, but unfortunately i dont remember them. If you search this forum for this subject you will find many similar threads that mention some paid options.
Another free vpn would be proton vpn. But like i said, with a vpn it wont work. You have to use public wifi.
A good browser for finger printing protection is mullvad browser, librefox, and tor browser. However there is also another option. Simply install a browser that you normally would never use (for example vivaldi, etc) then use it only for this use, and dont use it for anything else. Also make sure you only use this browser from other ip and not your home ip. Then once you have your account you can uninstall this browser.
Is it really necessary for you to hide your ip and fingerprint? If you hide them now, you have to rememver to hide them in the future as well everytime you connect to google.
User2288 Thank you very much for your advices. Unfortunately, I see you did not read all of my text. OK, I will repeat it:
I cannot go out because a technical reason ( I AM LONG TERM ILL ) So, I cannot go out to go to to library, cafe, restaurant, etc.
Since I used free urbanVPN to sign-in into my existing google account, they are blocking me.
IT MEANS: At home I successfully created my Google account withOUT any VPN. After that, several days later, I used free urbanVPN and Google did not allow me to enter and since that time my account is blocked.
When I tried to create new Google account, Google always wanted my telephone number. I do not want to tell them my phone number.
At my home, I only can use "public wifi". Each time to use this "public wifi", I must put there my username and my password. Each month I must pay money for the provider of the "public wifi". So, they know my name, address and my bank account.
When I tried some IP search on internet to find my IP and my address where I am = where I live, it usually found it when I did not use the urbanVPN.
I did read your entire post. And the answer i gave you was the correct answer, but i don't think you really heard me.
If you want a free option then you have to be able to leave your home. If you cant leave your home then you have to find a paid option. There is no free option in your case.
Also do check to make sure the vpn you mentioned is trust worthy. Most free vpns are not. I dont know that one so i cant say. Only trust worthy one i know is proton.
You will not be able to make a google account without a phone number if you use a vpn. I already told you this. So if you want to use a vpn then you have to purchase a reliable and private online phone number that can be used for google activation.
If the public wifi you use requires username and password then its more like a private proxy, and all your traffic could be monitored. So you SHOULD use a vpn.
Read what i said carefully. I have given you complete answers.
User2288 Yes, you've just confirmed what I said is true. Nothing exists what I am looking for for free. No way to resolve my problem.
Well unless you get someone else to make an account for you for free. But again if you use a free vpn that alot of other people use (including criminals) it might ask to verify with a phone sms again if the account has not been verified before.
See of aspect of your problem might be that you are using a free vpn. Maybe using proton might be better, but also might not be.
User2288 OK, what free virtual phone (provider) you suggest? I've found a lot, but they do not work for a Google account to create because they always say something like this: "You cannot use this phone number because too many people use this..." So, what free virtual phone (provider) you suggest?
There are no free phone number providers that will work with google.
I also don't know the "good" paid options. You should read the other threads in this forum on "how to create google account". Some of them mention some solutions.
If you want to solve your issue i think you will have to pay. If you are unable to pay then you have to find someone who will do it for you.
Outside of everything i have already said I have no more suggestions for you.
User2288 OK, do you know any link where they mention paid virtual phone number that works with Google accounts? I was googling but no success, yet.