Btw have you also tried to flash stock firmware from an Android device?

a year later

Just tried yesterday and it didn't work,
I was using the factory cable and in main user

  • de0u replied to this.

    de0u was using vanadium (default settings, up to date) on a pixel6a, when I was prompt to select a device nothing showed up in the list of connected devices, that's the problem (it worked with same cable on my computer).
    so it didn't work at the very first step of installation, since the pixel 6a couldn't see the connected device.

      grapheneos-enthusiast Was using vanadium (default settings, up to date) on a pixel6a, when I was prompt to select a device nothing showed up in the list of connected devices

      Was the Vanadium window incognito? That is known not to work.

      What are the USB port settings on the GrapheneOS side? If something else is plugged in to the USB-C port, such as a flash drive, does that work?

        de0u not in incognito mode, as stated in prerequisites.
        usb-c port settings are set to default (charging only when locked). Yes it's working if I plug a USB drive in it.

        just remembered that months ago I dropped my phone in snow and usb-c port stopped working for a while, there was "Warning: water or debris in your usb-c port, don't charge your phone or plug anything in it" or something similar.

        As of today, the port for charging is still working fine and my phone is still capable to transfer files with a USB drive. I'm not aware of the technical differences between the connection for transferring files to a USB drive or connecting to another phone, but I suppose it's same (?), thus, if it is, we can tell the port is still working fully.

        • de0u replied to this.

          de0u at first it wasn't but rest assured that I have unplugged and plugged it in again to check, I've also rebooted my grapheneos phone, I've also tried to plug to my computer (and notice it was detected) and plugged in again to my grapheneos phone (and it again wasn't detected).

          • Edited


          I can reproduce the issue on a 6a running GrapheneOS 2025010700. But I can also reproduce it on the same 6a running stock PixelOS with the January security update.

          My Pixel 8 is not detected by the web USB installer.
          Booted into the bootloader interface. Connected to the 6a while booted into the bootloader interface.
          Same issue in Vanadium and Brave. When I try the same but in reverse – the 6a in the bootloader interface connected to the 8 – Vanadium on the 8 detected the 6a just fine.

          Stock PixelOS on the 6a tested from Chrome.

          Cable is the one that came with the device. Never had issues with it.

          Worth noting that another user successfully flashed GOS from a 6a on November 30th 2024, but it's unclear if the 6a was running GOS or stock PixelOS, and unknown which OS version it was:!$IxHCaH-VBIJDkQlfpHwCZzkYqDSlRpItqBsoY1wDr6U?

          I now found that, from the 6a running stock PixelOS, Google's web installer also does not detect my 8:

            fid02 Thanks for doing all of this experimentation! Should an issue be filed?

              de0u Thanks for doing all of this experimentation! Should an issue be filed?

              I don't know? Since the issue appears to be upstream, it might make sense to file an issue with Google. Although I suspect that they might prefer that the person filing the issue has tested the connection between two devices running stock OS, which I can't do without certain inconvenience.

              grapheneos-enthusiast I don't understand this part, isn't meant to be run on desktop?

              Officially their web installer does not support flashing from mobile, but it has always worked for me regardless. And even if the flashing process fails, it's always been able to detect the connected device.