So first off I'll be doing some research on these myself but I've been busy so I might as well ask here.
I have ATT but looking to move to xfinity. Do I need to buy from the Playstore to be able to unlock the bootloader or can I get it through Xfinity and unlock it or at least unlock after payments are done? which would be less ideal but if I can eventually unlock then that's something I guess.
Also I hear a lot of talk about certain carriers not working or something. I've been out of the loop as I've been busy with family and work and hope to find some up-to-date information on this if possible.
The past few years I've gotten used to certain root features on my current daily driver and wouldn't mind moving to non root but id like to know if certain features are built into graphene:
AFwall (per app firewall) --thought I read that graphene had something like this
Swift installer (app theming) --I'm currently on android 10 but I think I heard something about newer android versions bein more open to app theming but not sure.
AdAway (AdBlock sys wide like apps and such) --I could probably do this through a custom dns
Tasker (automation like auto turning off/on WIFI at certain times)
FNG (fluid navigation gesture, hides android navigation buttons and allows swiping up from bottom of the screen to navigate instead) -- have been told graphene has something like this
naptime (forces android to go into doze mode immediately after screen off)
I also use Revanced which is a modded youtube client but I believe they have a way to install without root that uses MicroG or something like that.
Beside that I assume I could root graphene like any other android using Magisk but would like to know what I'm getting into before I move to graphene.
Also my current phone has 3,700mah and with my root mods my phone will hold battery very well especially when the screen is off. I'm assuming that Graphene has less running in the background (just an assumption) and wondering what kind of battery life I could maybe expect.