fl0at0xff Aegis is very popular in this community.
Alternative to Microsoft authenticator ?
Aegis, you can download from F-Droid. Download link here: https://getaegis.app
Just remember to back up your TOTP codes if you use Aegis…
DeletedUser115 Thank you very much. I will check it
[deleted] lol no
Aegis is quite nice and I use it myself. You can also use a KeePass Vault File as a dedicated 2FA app. You can make a kdbx file just for your 2FA codes. That way you can be sure its secure against a physical threat if you put a secure passphrase on it, and the good thing is you can name it anything so a person wouldn't know its your 2FA code vs a 2FA app itself.
[deleted] Fuck Google!!
SoulKeeper I agree
Relaks Yes thank you. I saw that If my cloud provider supports the Storage Access Framework of Android (like Nextcloud does), it can even create automatic backups to the cloud. Someone already tried with ProtonDrive ?
Beautiful maturity... To come back to a concrete point, aegis is all very well, but in the end it's all about random passwords that you're going to have to copy or read at some point, so whether it's Google that offers it or aegis, it's all the same, the end result will be the same. So much for my recommendation.