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I was trying to figure out if there was a way to uninstall Google Play services along with all its dependencies the same way you install them (in one click). Anyway, apparently there isn't one, but in the process I came across a distinct option called "Uninstall updates" in place of "Uninstall". Can someone please explain what it does? It's present with Google Play services and GmsCompatConfig. Google Services Framework and Google Play Store list "Uninstall".

    [deleted] You can uninstall Google Play Services, Google Play Store and Google Services Framework in the same way as any other app: from their app info.

    That fully removes sandboxed Google Play from your device.

    GmsCompat and GmsCompatConfig should not be touched. They are part of the OS. GmsCompat is the compatibility layer that teaches Google Play to work within the normal app sandbox. Without Google Play installed, it doesn't do anything.


      And on "Uninstall updates", that downgrades the version of an app to the latest version present in the latest OS update.

      For example, if the latest OS update had Apps v15, and after that you updated it to Apps v16, then "uninstall updates" brings it back down to v15.

        treequell Thanks your reply but it doesn't really address my question which centers around Apps client and its ability to purge the entire Play ecosystem in much the same way it can be installed it i.e. it has support for dependency installation so you can simply directly install Play services and it will install GSF and the Play Store as dependencies but can't do the same in reverse. I've been over documentation, thanks.

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        matchboxbananasynergy Got it thanks. If you can also quickly address the issue of dependency uninstallation I would very much appreciate it. Sorry for getting off-topic.

          [deleted] If by dependencies you mean gmscompatconfig, you're not meant to ever uninstall that.

          For GSF, Play Services and Play Store, you just go to Settings > Apps and uninstall those like you would any other app.