How can we automatically load a new wallpaper (on a Graphene OS phone) from a selected folder with multiple images, after a configurable interval or trigger?

The aim is to reduce wallpaper fingerprinting, by preventing any potential tracker from effectively tying the users online activity to a unique wallpaper fingerprint ID.

    tastazardo That is an interesting idea! With knowledge of Android's wallpaper fingerprint algorithm, it might be possible to slowly change the image's fingerprint without dramatically changing the image. If all GrapheneOS phones started changing their fingerprints over time that might inject chaff into the system.

    Meanwhile I am sticking with the issued black.

    Unsure how this would bargain personally... because if you own an app long enough, they would likely see all of the wallpapers after enough time. I think the best way to prevent fingerprinting is to be homogenous with the userbase rather than constantly unique, with everyone using the same, default background.

    To my very feint knowledge that's also why GOS doesn't have a set list of them. Plus, all black is energy efficient anyway...

    Maybe another way is to have apps all see the same wallpaper when its actually different when displayed in the launcher? Although with screen recording apps and overlays this would fail to do it's job... I think this would be too difficult to find a safe and working implementation for it plus it could take too much time to develop something to counter something so small. GrapheneOS development do say already they have issues with getting desired features due to limitations with developers and whatnot

    8 months later

    I think you can use a 3rd party app. I'm currently using Wallpaper Changer from Aurora, and I have 133 wallpaper randomly switching. I set it to switch every 5 minutes, every times I unlock the screen, and when double-click on the homescreen, but I use it to make my phone loooks good rather than obfuscating fingerprint.
    I also mention it here:

    However I don't think this will prevent fingerprinting because GOS currently don't support randomizing MediaDRM, and it's definitely much easier to track you with MediaDRM ID. I tried it, I got the same MediaDRM ID accross all user and work profiles. There're also some wallpaper app out there that AI generate unique random wallpaper, if you want to try.

    5 months later

    Resplash app uses unsplash images and can change wallpaper at a set interval.