user This works! Thank you so much! Do you know if it's some kind of security risk? I'm not sure what "enabled without compatibility check" means.

    user This addressed the same issue with 1password and brave on 2 devices, thank you for sharing!

    7 days later
    a month later

    The images that clarified the steps needed to fix this are no longer available. For anyone else struggling, first set the flag as described above. Then in regular Settings menu a choice named "Autofill Options" will be appear that has no icon. Tap on "Autofill Options" and you should see a toggle between "Default" and "Use other providers". Select "Use other providers" and restart Brave.

      2 months later

      Can some one reshare the flags required? I'm on a fresh install and need to set this up again.

        7 days later

        Same issue, solved via bschnei's instructions, thanks.

        a month later


        Brave no longer has a method to set the autofill options. Apparently this is one thing Brave does differently from other chromium- based browsers.

        At least on mine, there is no such option in Brave's Settings list (as there is in Vanadium's).

        As an aside, I'd love to switch to Vanadium for everything (since it's more secure, and Bitwarden works fine with it) but I just can't migrate my nearly-1000 bookmarks manually, that would take forever.

          Speeduser7533 At least on mine, there is no such option in Brave's Settings list.

          Did you set the flag described in this comment: Dumdum ? The autofill option is there for me when the flag is enabled.

          Yes, enabled without compatibility check.

          But, restarted the browser again (and I had done it before) and this time it enabled the autofill options menu item. I was able to set it to Other Providers and finally, Bitwarden works again.

          Thanks for the assistance!

          2 months later

          Yeah I can't get this to work either despite multiple reboots.

            7 days later


            After a number of reboots, force-closes, etc, I did finally see the "Autofill services" menu item. I know it has been mentioned previously, but at first it looks like a header, since there's no icon to the left. It is clickable. Hop in there and change the default autofill provider.

            a month later

            Finally worked for Brave and my 1Password! Thank you!
            just repeating from post above:

            brave://flags #enable-autofill-virtual-view-structure --> enable without compatibility check.

            Tap "Autofill services" menu (that looks as a header, but still clickable!)

              redant Tap "Autofill services" menu (that looks as a header, but still clickable!)

              That was the missing piece for me, thank you! Thought it is a header...

              a month later

              For those who do not have the flag option, looks like brave changed the naming?

              If you copy in the url as described above brave://flags#enable-autofill-virtual-view-structure, it will forward to the newly named flag brave://flags/#enable-autofill-virtual-view-structure.

              Then relaunch, exit and making the settings change in brave.

              is now....

              Also brave now has support for the address bar at the bottom (finally it's back)

              enable #android-bottom-toolbar - then relaunch/exit and it's available in settings menu