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  • Find my Device on GrapheneOS?

ThunderFarter But i'm not so technical is there any way to use telegram or such instead of messaging?

For this to work you will need to grand Notification Access permission to FindMyDevice which would allow it to read all notifications and look for that "fmd" text to activate commands. Once this permission is granted, you should be able to use any app to trigger commands. To grant, open FMD, then go to settings (gear icon top right corner) then tap Permissions, next, next until you reach the screen about handling messages from other apps - and grant the permission.

a year later

There is an interesting app, called KDE Connect. You can install it on your phone and your desktop computer and they you can ring a phone from your computer.

Unfortunately it will not give you the GPS location... but at least it rings. There are some other options like file sharing, sending notifications from phone to desktop, you can send SMS messages from desktop...

But I am still looking for something, that will be sending you (encrypted) location to your server and be listening to "pings" from your server and then send location back to you...

    11 days later

    Matthai But KDE Connect only works in the local network - not remote. So you may find your phone under a pillow in your house or appartment - but not somewhere outdoors.

    Well, unless you're connected to your home network via VPN all the time.

    A FOSS alternative to Google's Find My Device service seems to be https://f-droid.org/de/packages/de.nulide.findmydevice/ - but I haven't tried it out yet.

    Matthai a security review

    LOL. It is well known how insecure SMS is. People with a high thread level should definitely not install an app with these permissions. Something like this is a gift for attackers.

    You see, you do not have to use SMS functionality. :)
    Just do not grant rights and that is it.

    The point is: "find my phone" app is very needed. GOS does not offer it. So people will look for alternatives. It seems this is the only alternative here.

      I think Locus is a different type of app. And it doesn't work on newer Android versions.


      If you only set this up from your server and via VPN, the attack surface is of course more difficult. And setting up and administering a server is also something where you always learn something new. Everyone can do whatever they want with their phone.

      I just wanted to point out that such an app should not be used carelessly via SMS and possibly with third-party service providers.

      In addition:

      • The phone must always be connected to the Internet.
      • It usually doesn't help much if it's stolen.
      • It's unlikely that I'd lose a device worth almost $1000, just like my wallet.

      The point is: "find my phone" app is very needed. GOS does not offer it.

      There is a good reason why the GrapheneOS developers did not integrate or removed the code for remote access and device locate.

      Well, there is also good reason why people should use de-Googled phones. But they are not. And GOS decided, it is better to run Play services in sandbox, than to persist in orthodoxy. :)

      It's unlikely that I'd lose a device worth almost $1000, just like my wallet.
      I do not have a toothache, so we do not need dentists.

      Tested https://gitlab.com/Nulide/findmydevice and it works good. Whitelisted 2 family members, they can send me a sms msg and receive a auto reply with coordinates via sms from my phone. If the phone is rebooted or sim card is taken out it still works because i have a esim without a pin, its always "online" if powered on.

      i didnt opt in for the option to communicate location with a server (either self hosted or public) since the sms reply with geo coordinates is all i need.

        Meph I tried a few weeks ago, unfortunately, Findmydevice didn't work for me because I have an owner profile and my main everyday profile. When installed in the owner profile and using my everyday profile it didn't work and when installed in my everyday profile it didn't work either...

        • Meph replied to this.

          Arnauld I also use 2 profiles, my main and a work profile. But it works.

          Just noticed a issue though, I didnt open the app in a while and tested sending a location request sms from another device, and it replied with a location that was old. I wonder if this is because it wants a setting I don't want to change which is to use a terminal and do something like "pm grant de.nulide.findmydeviceandroid.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"

            Meph I think its fixed now, app was not allowed to run in the background

              5 months later

              Meph How you enabled sms to work? If I try to give permissions for findmydevice, it show me that's not allowed and point to explanation with the URL, but URL doesn't work. On click nothing happens.

                Well, I just enabled SMS permission and it works.

                A bug maybe?

                pampur this has been discussed many times in the forum. Go to the app info of that app and enable restricted permissions in the 3-dot menu in the upper right corner.