[deleted] GrapheneOS doesn't includes a Music Player. How I can reproduce the recorded calls? Is there a recommended app to do it? Thanks
matchboxbananasynergy [deleted] If you open them within the file manager, a small pop-up player will open within that. Try it out.
[deleted] matchboxbananasynergy nope. When I click one of the recordings auxio app is opened but auxio can't play it due to the file isn't at one of the folders I've added to the app and no other app manages audio files.
matchboxbananasynergy [deleted] Long press it, three dots top right, open with, you should be able to choose the built-in player from there.
matchboxbananasynergy [deleted] Try installing some other app like VLC Media Player and see if that works.
bluegrass [deleted] Very good news on this call record function. Before I start using this instead of my current "skvalex" which needs root, is there any way I can modify anything so that it auto records calls?
Blastoidea It is my understanding that Lockdown Mode only disables biometrics, and does not restore the phone to a BFU state. A restart/reboot is required to get back to a BFU state. Is my understanding correct?
[deleted] matchboxbananasynergy yes it surely works, but I do not understand why the file is not opened by a system dialog. I do not have disabled any related system app
User2288 [deleted] GOS doesn't ship with an audio or video player. You have to install your own to be able to play back audio/video files.
W1zardK1ng bluegrass There is a Feature Request for Automatic call recording, hope that will get implemented soon. https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker/issues/2083
lcalamar Themble Curious how this update affects your Google Camera Usage? How has this change impacted it? Right now I have 3 cameras installed: (GOS-CAM, Google-CAM and GCAM)... I'm going to get rid of GCAM now (1 too many ) and stick to GOS-CAM as my default... but have google cam available)