To be honest we can put it like this. If you think that you or someone else know better than people at and people of GrapheneOS project than you can use F-Droid. Both projects recommend AGAINST it. Its up to you.

What is the point to “backdoors” or “trackers” on Google Play Services when 99,9% of people use some variation of Android where Google has privileged access to everything on the device via privileged Google Play Services? Meanwhile on GrapheneOS Google Play Services are sandboxed.

Google Pixel devices have proprietary firmware which is made by Google maybe there are backdoors or trackers in that and it has their SoC AKA Tensor so maybe they have hardware backdoors in that too? There are NO LIMITS to being paranoid about something.

All of the apps that someone install on GrapheneOS are STRICTLY sandboxed so they only can do what you let them to do.

The Play Store provides many services used by apps including Play Asset Delivery, Play Feature Delivery, in-app purchases and license checks for paid apps. The Play Store app is also the most secure way to install and update apps from the Play Store.


You trust GrapheneOS by using it then might aswell trust them when they say that Play Store is the most secure way of installing apps. If you create anonymous/throaway account with VPN or Orbot then it can be private too.

Anyone knows if there is an ignore function on this forum?
I really wish to put @abcZ on ignore for most of his comments being condescending and ignorant.

Obviously, my decision:

abcZ has nothing to do with anything being a "personal" attack, and everything to do with actual logic.

    Hey guys, appreciate all the perspectives here. Everyone's entitled to their view. Direct insults against others only compromise the discussion, reflect poorly on the community, and ultimately can discredit the project. Let's keep it on topic and avoid personal attacks, even if we disagree. The freedom to disagree is a big reason why we're here wanting to use something like GOS.

      There is a difference between disagreement and spreading biased opinions/conspiracy theories of some kind. In ideal world everything in here should be technical.


        "In ideal world everything in here should be technical."

        Unfortunately, that stopped a long time ago in this thread. :-(

        That's why I left Reddit a long time ago for the type of information provided by the GOS Forums. Many of the discussions there turned into opinionated pissing matches.

        Rant over.

          True. If everything was technical then F-Droid wouldn't be among the recommendations especially at the top of them.

          wivode That's not true because no one's view is the ultimate truth, everyone's opinion is a biased opinion, and what one person calls a conspiracy theory might be true, to one extent or another. Information is information, opinions are opinions, and everyone is free to decide for themselves which sources and information are the most accurate based on the evidence. If you post in a forum, you're asking for opinions. If you want inerrant truth, there's only one place to go for that, and it doesn't have a chapter on GOS repos.

            Then I can have an opinion that Linux phones such as PinePhone are superior to Pixel devices because I think that Pixel devices have hardware backdoors in their Tensor chips and in their firmware. Which is not proven in any way. Its just a conspiracy theory. And with that I would sacrifice security of people that would believe it and would buy a Linux phone with inferior security to Android.

            Its just my opinion and my view right? I'm not misleading people and I'm not spreading biased opinions and misinformation, right?

            I will dissect this later if nobody will do it before me. I'm actually surprised that nobody criticized these points that are made in this comment.

              • [deleted]

              guerrillas it is hard to comment on an opinion on a comment you have not cited specifically :)

                In my latest reply you can see that I'm replying to abcZ. Now press on that arrow with abcZ nickname and it will show you to which comment I replied.