I can't add much other than to say I've flashed three Pixels in the last two weeks and not seen nor heard of this before. I'd hold off till one of the more experienced members chimes in. It's a very active forum so shouldn't be long :)

I've seen the issue mentioned here numerous times. You'll find the relevant threads if you search this forum for "device is corrupt". As I recall, it was resolvable with a re-flash...perhaps with a different cable or port (can't remember exactly).

    mythodical Thank you, I should have used this search term!

    I found a thread that gives me lot's of things to try :)

    Osprey Error: The requested file could not be read, typically due to permission problems that have occurred after a reference to a file was acquired.

    That's due to either using Incognito mode or not having enough free disk space on the device doing the flashing.

      Osprey matchboxbananasynergy MetropleX

      How can it be that I have similar problems but my Pixel 6a is only recognized by one device (a stock huawai android)?

      During first flashing I had some big trouble and couldn't continue. I tried flashing it through other ways and devices. Another 6a through Vanadium didn't recognize mine, and through Chromium on Linux either not.

      Through commandline the flashing didn't work but I also didn't get any error-message

      After first not successfull flashing my phone did also show:

      Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and may not work properly

      Then I tried to flash it again through the device I used for the first time and also got:

      Error: The requested file could not be read, typically due to permission problems that have occurred after a reference to a file was acquired.

      But I couldn't re-flash successfully.

        bartenderstoneware Error: The requested file could not be read, typically due to permission problems that have occurred after a reference to a file was acquired.

        That means the device you're using to flash doesn't have enough storage (at least 32GB), or you're using the browser in incognito mode.

        If you're facing issues with installation, please come to our Matrix channel so we can help you in real time.

          Sorry, I messed something up.
          Other devices are working fine per usb on my (alredy set) Pixel and Laptop.

          The new not working pixel isn't shown in the browser like vanadium. So i cant do anything with that.
          The only device that show the new pixel in the chrome browser is the stock huawai android, witch i used for the first flashig.