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  • Any tips for fingerprint sensor on pixel 7?


Every time my fingerprint stops working as well, I just re-enroll my fingerprints. The trick is enrolling your finger well, then the scanner works almost every time.

applesbana on the P6 recommendations were to re-register the same finger multiple times. And if that doesn't work try increasing touch sensitivity under Settings>Display.
Re-registering the same finger helped in my case. Not great, but better.

With dry hands like mine, you got always problems with the fingerprint sensor.
This get's even worse in cold conditions.
I experienced, when you rub for example, your thumb and pointer finger together to get some skin fat, it's gonna work almost every time 9/10 tries. I'm on a P7P, but they got the same sensor, if i'm not wrong,


    Thanks for sharing your experience but jeez, what a regression from the old dedicated scanners on back.

    Now I rub my hands together to get the moisture level right, say a prayer to the pixel gods, tap my heels three times and the scanner works 90% of the time.

      nrt might have to try this. I found that registering my finer multiple times and pressing firmly on the screen also helped a lot.

      My old iphone 6 fingerprint recognition with a dedicated front reader is about as unreliable as the p7, fwiw.

      Now I just give google the finger. It's more satisfying.

        I suspect that dry skin has a lot to do with this. It's winter now, and between working outside without gloves and washing dishes, my hand skin cannot remain in shape despite applying lotion 10 times a day.


          You’re probably right, but this is a design defect of the reader. Never happened with the 5a.

          Although I’ve saved my thumb three times and am down to a 10-20% hit rate on the sensor capturing my finger. At this point, I may as well disable it and move 100% to pin.

          Not sure if folks have had better luck with other fingers or maybe I just have a lemon

            Haha, thought, I am the only one...in my case (Pixel 6) the hit rate is...hmmm...I would say 5 % and some days it works never. And I registered different fingers and tried a lot. At the moment I decided to delete the fingerprint and went back to passphrase. That's less comfortable but a not working fingerprint reader is worse.
            Maybe my fingerprints are illegible, because I work a lot with wood and stuff and I am a rock climber?

              applesbana I still have a Pixel 3aXL and the fingerprint reader on that is fast and reliable. My wife's 5a is the same.

              9 months later


              Just to let you know: Since I have a new and different screen protector the hit rate is at first try, I would say, 70 % but at least it works after the second or third try. That's ok for me. ;)

              17 days later

              It's gross but unless you have a better solution, just lick your finger and try it again. Don't have overly dry hands. Walk around with some cake so you can have your fingers lightly moist whenever you need to unlock your phone

                N3rdTek Walk around with some cake so you can have your fingers lightly moist whenever you need to unlock your phone.

                Best suggestion all week for any issue!!!

                  de0u Big Waisted Beauties RISE UP!
                  fr tho, anytime I get more than two or three invalid attempts, I lick my finger wipe the excess on my shirt or pants and it pretty much works 98% of time.
                  The 2% is when I forget that I turned all sensors off, and the FPS is well.... A fingerprint sensor

                  I dare someone to defy me, this works with screen protectors and without. Except privacy screen protectors I have yet to find anything that works on my P7 AND also allows the FPS in ANY capacity.
                  But I've recently found a good way to counter that, I just make sure to have p*rn playing on my phone at all times max volume so no one will want to look at it.

                  I might be fooling myself but if you turn off all three animation in developer options, it seems that the fingerprint reader of my pixel 6 works A LOT better. Also, no screen protector and sensibility turned off

                  Hi all,
                  I've recently replaced my screen and am having fingerprint sensor errors. I've tried the repairer here: https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/ but it tries to force a complete OS reinstall, and when I cancel out of that and try to use the fingerprint calibration tool, it will not connect to my phone.

                  Any ideas on how I can get my fingerprint reader working again? Thanks!