MethRaptor she was just trying to rotate a picture on a "google" account and there were extra "rotate" buttons that did nothing
Maybe you were using the standard gallery app to modify the picture. Not going to lie, the gallery app is pretty awful, so maybe you will want to install something better. Non FOSS apps would include Lightroom (never tried it but I hear it's good) or Photoshop. I use Simple Gallery Pro, which is available on F-Droid. I don't like it much, but it's way better than the default gallery app.
MethRaptor pulling up an options panel doesnt exist when viewing from duckduckgo's image results. since the browser is bundled from another developer
Don't know which options panel you're talking about. The website should function exactly as it does on other phones. The browser that's bundled in GrapheneOS, Vanadium, is a slightly modified version of Chromium. Chromium, if you don't know, is the open source browser Google Chrome is built off of.
MethRaptor instead of having an easy button to hit thats easily associated with "recent apps" theres this gesture motion I had to stumble on MYSELF.
You can get those buttons back! Just do this:
Settings > System > Gestures > System navigation
Then pick 2-button or 3-button
MethRaptor last item for now: theres no shared folder to transfer files or share between profiles.
Many people ask for that, but it probably won't happen. Your best bet is to either use a thumb drive or install something like Dropbox in the profiles you want to share data between.