This is not just grapheneOS specific but happens on other devices/cards as well. Your biometric unlock for a profile keeps working to unlock your profile until at some point it just asks you to enter the password in order to "secure you" or "protect you" or whatever phrasing is used. Same can be seen in contactless payment via say a debit card - every sometime it'll just ask you to use chip and pin to authenticate.
The frequency might be temporal (like every once in a day/2days etc) or usage related (after every 10 biometric unlocks ask for a password) or ....
I can understand this is a security feature (which is why it's seen in a wide variety of devices). However as times have evolved and most places have CCTVs and many/most of these in the future will have AI processing the footage, I think the security/privacy practices must also evolve.
GrapheneOS for eg has asked me for my passwords suddenly when I'm in a supermarket for eg. and I find myself uncomfortable entering it when there're so many cameras all over. You almost feel publicly naked (privacy wise) at that point, like typing in some password in plaintext on a giant public screen. Whether someone is interested in your password is I think moot (I'm happy to acknowledge that I'm too unimportant for someone/cctv-room to take interest in my passwords as I type them, but the point stands).
When something like that happens, I just defer using my phone till I'm out of such places (unfortunately can't do that for debit/credit cards when they eventually ask for PINs because, well, I need to pay somehow and I don't carry cash).
I don't know of a better solution but I'm not a smart chap, so was wondering if anyone has thought about this and can think/implement a better solution for GrapheneOS? Currently I just make it a point to enter the passwords to all my profile every morning before I leave the house so it resets the frequency counter, but I sometimes forget and get stung by it anyway.
Maybe a reminder/popup that you'll need to enter the password soon so do it now to reset the counter? Maybe an ability to defer it by some number of times - like max you can defer and continue using biometrics is by 2 or 3 or whatever number (maybe configurable so user takes the responsibility)?