Believe me, I'd love to have a truly private and secure phone that's just right for my purposes. But such a phone DOES NOT EXIST. As in globally. I have a few practical real-world requirements for a phone beyond security and privacy that are impossible to ignore. And Pixels from the P6 upwards simply don't meet them.
I need a phone that I can carry or even conceal on my person. There are no such smartphones more recent than the P5. NONE. So I need to do the best I can, and use the phone that has the best possible security and privacy and has the right size, and also has a jack port. That's my P4a 5G. Already a compromise in terms of size, as it does not fit into some of my pockets (with case). I avoid Bluetooth, and hardly ever use Wifi (because I'm not ignorant...). The P5's speaker under the screen ruins call quality and it does not have a jack port.
I'm not a phone-obsessed screen addict, nor do I have any use for a big phone screen professionally. A feature phone still gives me better peace of mind about zero-click attacks (e.g. Pegasus) as it has no internet capability, nor GPS. It also fits into all my pockets, including the smallest ones. I do my best to minimise the amount of data I store on it. As it is, most people around me have far less awareness about cybersecurity than I do which does compromise my privacy and data security. I'm doing my best.
Any Pixel from the 6 is too big for me to be practical. I'm really p*ssed off about the ignorance of phone manufacturers who only release phones that are oversized for many people like me, and are riddled with privacy and security issues on top, and may also cost a lot, and also have hardware issues... Thanks, but no thanks.
Btw, I never said the Pixels have more hardware issues than other phones. I said that they have them. I would add that I have never owned a phone that had any hardware issues (never used an iPhone). I also never said that the P5 is as private and secure as the latest Pixels. Because it's not true.
Have a look around here and on other platforms and see all the people who get frustrated with the size of Pixels and with the hardware problems. Some try various Pixels before they give up and go back to the P5. At their own risk, since neither Google nor the GOS project has any interest in smaller phones P5-sized), apparently. I personally also have something against financing Google by buying new phones from them, but that may only be me.
Based on what I'm reading here, my phone use is far more conservative than it is for many. I will never say a P5 is in any way "better" than a P9. But let's also not ignore the fact that much like driving an armoured SUV or wearing the safest boots around even if they are a few sizes too big, the latest Pixels don't work for everyone. And without any support for the P5 and P4a 5G by the GOS project, they may even opt for other phones and OS. Not because they want to, but because they have to.
This of course does not apply to people who's life literally depends on the privacy and security of their phone.