Play Store keeps showing "Installing" for a few minutes after downloading an app. On other devices not running GrapheneOS, the process just takes a few seconds. Is this a bug?
App installation with Google Play Store often takes a really long time
- Edited
What you're describing is very likely a minor inconvenience due to ART AOT compilation (ahead-of-time compilation for the Android RunTime). In other words, when apps are installed on GrapheneOS, their code is fully compiled. On traditional Android distributions, their code can be compiled on the fly (this is called JIT compilation for "just in time"). (By code I'm referring to Dalvik bytecode, but there's no need to get too technical.)
AOSP makes the distinction between cold/hot code ("hot" = often used compared to "cold") and uses AOT/JIT depending on the situation, whereas GrapheneOS chooses to use ART AOT all the way.
This results in better security and performance, even battery life when you're running apps. The inconvenience is that app installs can take longer, especially on a lower-end device. For most apps this shouldn't take more than a minute, but some can naturally take longer than others.
Wonderfall Thanks for the helpful answer! I feel like it should be added to the usage guide so users understand what is happening.
Wonderfall There is a gallery application ported from Samsung that I can use without root on Graphene OS. It normally works with the magisk module, but it works on GOS without root. When I try to install it normally with Lineage OS, the gallery does not work. I guess it does not work in LOS because the entire application is not installed. My question is, how can I fully install applications on LOS?
kullanici32 Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like a separate question, and therefore probably deserves a separate thread. Feel free to link back to this thread when you create the new one.
treequell Since this is the GOS forum, I did not want to create a new topic about lineage os.