Even if it's not in the changelog (if I haven't missed it), the bug with the back gesture in the PIN entry has been fixed. Thank you very much! :-)

System Updater: handle a partially downloaded incremental update being removed from the server by falling back to the full update instead of retrying resuming the incremental download until the next update (this will allow us to remove an incremental for the latest available version to save storage space or work around a potential update_engine bug without it causing download resumption errors)

If I understand the consequences of this change properly, then it could potentially cause the issue in https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/16798-updater-downloaded-a15-update-over-mobile-connection/ to occur more often.

My Pixel 8a running 2024110700 states that the latest stable channel release is already installed when I perform a system update check. Do I just need to wait for a while for my phone to be able to see the new release? I have run the system update check with my VPN enabled and disabled as well.


    Version 2024111700 is still in alpha Status. When all is okay it comes to beta and then to stable.

    Marindas "Releases are tested by the developers and are then pushed out via the Alpha channel. The release is then pushed out via the Beta channel shortly afterwards. Finally, the release is then pushed out via the Stable channel after being tested by some users using the Beta channel. In some cases, problems are caught during Beta channel testing and a new release is made via the Beta channel to replace the aborted one."



      Wouldn't it be amazing if they just made a tiny tweak to the announcement message to be more user friendly (particularly for new users) so we didn't have to answer this question countless times? Literally, just a tiny change to the existing template:

      GrapheneOS version 2024111700 released to alpha channel for testing. This may be released to the Stable channel in the near future if no issues are discovered during testing.


      See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.

        treenutz68 The only obstacle I see that would prevent this change is that the announcement would have to be edited once the release moves to the next channel. This is especially an issue on social pages where posts can't be edited.

        But I agree and have mentioned this before: a short notice that says the update will not be readily available would be quite useful and since it's pretty general it wouldn't need to be edited later on.

        Here's hopes the team considers our concerns 🙂.


          That makes sense! I'm sure whoever writes the announcements for the forum, social media, etc... would be able to come up with a more elegant phrasing than what I threw together up there in 10 seconds :)

          This is real good:
          • raise maximum running users from the standard 3 to 4 for 6GB memory, 6 for 8GB memory, 10 for 12GB memory and 14 for 16GB memory.

          Well done!