cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd Private Space is fingerprint-locked if you have configured fingerprint locking, the PIN code is requested on first start-up. Even if you use the same PIN/fingerprint for the owner profile and Private Space, these are still two isolated profiles with separate encryption/decryption keys, so should be fairly secure, of course you can use a different locking method from the main profile.

    Xtreix If someone takes my phone and wants to access the private space, they can force me to enter my fingerprint, but if I have to enter the password, I can use the Duress option to erase the device; but the password is only requested once

    If this is an extension of some of the functionality used for work profiles, will MDM still be able to work in the private space?

    Can apps in the private space see call logs or text messages?

    What does "locked" mean? Do all the apps stop when the private space is locked or do they keep running?

    Tried Private Space for 2-3 days. I don't know if is a Google issue or a Graphene issue, but I think Private Space is still buggy. For now I've retourned to my previous environment: main user + secondary user

    DeletedUser131 Yes. Same thing is happening to me. I've been using Private Space with sandboxed Google play services for a couple weeks with no issues.

    But recently, there was an update for them via the GOS Apps repo, and during installation there was an error. After that, whenever I unlock the Private Space and try to open any app, it immediately quits. Opening Google Play Store only results in a stuck/indefinite splash screen. I've restarted the phone, but nothing works.

    Any ideas?

      I use APK Kit and Save2Storage to locally clone Apps but also just files.

      Having something to update or install apps to another profile would be great, Shelter allows that currently. Just needs extracting the APK, sending it over and opening it with the session installer in the private space.

      DeletedUser59 I wanted to move my banking app to the Private space that has Google services installed so I could pay with my phone without switching profiles.

      In order to make NFC payments my Swedbank app requires biometric unlock to be enabled on the device. In order to achieve this I had to disable the Use device screenlock and setup new PIN and a fingerprint for the private space. This is a little bit of a drawback because I have to unlock the Private space explicitly whenever I unlock the device even though the Private space is set to be locked only when device restarts. I could live with this if payments worked.

      The last thing the app needs to enable contactless payments is to set the Swedbank app as the default payment method and this is where I got stuck. Setting Swedbank app as the default payment app in the NFC settings is not detected by the app, it says it is not the default payment app. Trying to set the same setting through the app results in an "empty button click", the check mark just cannot be set an no error message is thrown. I will try reading the logs later, maybe I will see something.

      But it seems that this i a problem of the Private space as the app works fine on a separate profile.

        banjon reminds me of the Shelter setting.

        Payment Service Stub

        Enable a fake NFC payment service in
        the main profile, so that the contactless payments option under Settings - NFC becomes enabled to allow you to choose a payment app inside the work profile.

        This works around an Android bug that makes it impossible to select a payment app inside the work profile if none is available in the main profile.

        Try enabling a payment app in both.

          UndercoverBozo Thank you for the guidance!

          My Owner profile does not have Google Services so the Swedbank app won't even launch there. But maybe just having it installed will be enough as per your suggestion. I will try to extract the apk from a secondary profile that has a working Swedbank app installation and install it on the Owner profile. I will get back to you with the results once I have something.


            Installing extracted apk did not work, had to install the app using Aurora. The app did not even start as expected since it requires Google Services. But it did show up under Settings -> Connected devices -> Connection preferences -> NFC -> Contactless payments -> Default payment app. This dialog had two options: None and Swedbank. Selecting Swedbank here did not help.

            What is interesting is that the same settings for Private space have 3 options: Google Pay, Swedbank and Swedbank with a lock symbol. No None option here. So it seems, that the Private space sees 2 Swedbank apps: the one that is installed on the Owner profile and the other one installed on the Private space.

            Whatever combination of default payments app I select in the system settings Swedbank app still complains that it is not the default payments app as if it must set this setting itself but it cannot for some reason. Do apps installed on the Private space have some sort limitation of accessing/setting system settings?

              6 days later