[deleted] Per GrapheneOS social media posts 5 hours ago: "Our initial release based on Android 15 is now available for early testing for technical users willing to sideload the release to their device. It's a regular production release and this can be done on a locked device with USB debugging disabled, but it's not heavily tested yet."

[deleted] Just to confirm, is it out as an alpha/beta update, or a stable release? Sorry if it's a dumb question.

It is out as an experimental release that has to be sideloaded manually.

You can check which is the latest released version for your device here: https://grapheneos.org/releases#devices

Latest update from the GrapheneOS account in the GrapheneOS Alpha/Beta Testing channel in the community chat rooms:

will not be moving it to Alpha due to the sandboxed Google Play Nearby Devices permission crash but we will try to fix that quickly and make a new release in 14 hours or so

GGORG I can move to stable when a new stable release greater than or equal to the one I have installed gets released.

You get the same version regardless of channel. The channel simply affects when you get the update. If you're on alpha/beta for this update, then switch back to Stable (before this update reaches Stable), then nothing will happen until the next update is released.

DeletedUser88 New update:

we're releasing a new GmsCompatConfig that's ONLY for Android 15 and it should resolve the Bluetooth crashes

if people can confirm it does we can move the current release to Alpha

This release is now available in Alpha due to our GmsCompatConfig 142 release working around the Bluetooth related sandboxed Google Play crash. However, it cannot proceed past Alpha since we need a built-in workaround for this which isn't obtained via an app update and the approach also needs to be changed from the current shortcut. There are also a few other important issues we want to fix before Beta and Stable. Testing feedback has been very helpful so far and Alpha should provide a lot more feedback than sideloading.

Thanks a bunch, installed it via the alpha on Pixel 8. Now gonna try out Private Space.

Same here on my Pixel 9. Animations and scrolling seem a bit smoother, no issues with bluetooth so far (tested with airpods).

I'm currently running the Alpha version based on Android 15 on my Pixel 8, I've configured Private Space where I've added Sandboxed Google play services and I'm not experiencing any problems at the moment, it works ! I'll let you know if I encounter any annoying bugs. Thanks to the team for the great hard work !

ErnestThornhill The default SMS app seems to no longer be working after updating to Android 15. If I try to send a message, a message appears telling me to set Messaging as the default SMS app. Regardless of whether I'm using Messaging or a different app, that message appears.

    No obvious regressions on the P9PXL.

    Everything seems to be working, including VoLTE calls, VPN (Wireguard), general App functionality. App updates seem to be okay too.

    Please advise if you'd like specific features to be tested.
    Thanks to the entire dev team, great work!

    Working great on my Pixel 8 so far. Amazing work as always!

    Will report back if I experience any hickups.

    installed on a pixel tablet and a 6a, private spaces working as intended.

    noticed that the (initial?) device scan in security and privacy settings takes considerably longer than on A14.

    the apps list now displays two dozen of user apps all named app.vanadium.trichromelibrary_ and a 9 digit number starting with a 5 or 6. I can disable or uninstall them and settings force close when tapping on storage & cache in app settings, which is displaying "computing..." all the time.

    edit: same apps (app.vanadium.trichromelibrary_xxxxxxxxx) are shown on the 6a, settings force close here as well. the 6a's vanadium base is still org.chromium.chrome.

    best regards