• [deleted]


What email do you guys like to use? I have proton but I would like push notifications. Does anyone like fairemail?


    I have sandboxed play services for the Proton apps, such as calendar and mail, and run protondrive as a pwa.

    Others have mentioned their method for popup notifications while using Proton* is by installing them as PWA's (without sandboxed play services) through Vanadium.

    FairEmail is good. So is K-9 mail from what I've heard.
    There is lots of discussions on this topic that one may find answers by searching our matrix's offtopic room chat history.

      • [deleted]

      akc3n thank you for your response! Do you have it your owner profile or a secondary for proton?

        • [deleted]

        akc3n how would one do the pwa for proton email?

          [deleted] I only use the owner profile for managing secondary profiles. I do have some profiles with sandboxed play services and others not. Depends entirely on you. You could just have everything in your owner profile. But that's up to you. I prefer having profiles where I can test things out first.

          Login into your ProtonMail then from the browsers menu tap Add to home screen. It will install it as a PWA. When you launch it using that newly placed app icon for ProtonMail, it will open in a full screen vertical view mode as it would have with the actual app.

          From there you can adjust the notifications within your system settings notification for the browser under the ProtonMail section.

          [deleted] how would one do the pwa for proton email

            [deleted] I am using FairEmail at the moment, though I used K-9 Mail on another phone in the past. I prefer the former for its lightweight footprint, its extended customization options and the fact that it seemed updated more regularly than the latter. The only thing I do not like, so far, is its UI; I remember K-9 Mail doing a much better job at that.

            Overall, it is a solid email client, with sane defaults. I have not tested OpenPGP with it though.