A little late but to try to elaborate that point, i think it is actually possible.
Keep in mind i'm no expert at all, but i played around a little bit with a hackrf, and was able to sniff a cell tower (GSM) and see which "imsi adresses" are connected to it, and their signalstrength relative to my hackrf or celltower (not sure anymore, been a while).
A very short analogy is that an imsi number can kinda be compared to a macaddress as a unique identifier, and it is stored on your simcard. I think it can't be spoofed unlike mac address, atleast not as easily. I don't know where u from, but in Europe u can't buy a simcard legally without id. This means an imsi number in europe is tied to a identity.
If there are parties that have the capabilities to track your location, i'm almost certain they could find out what floor your on. I don't know in the first place if "height" could be determined by triangulation with cell towers, but if it wasn't they probably can do it on the location itself.
If i knew your location and imsi number, and to which cell tower u are connected, i think i can locate your floor just with my laptop and a sdr, but in a sloppy manner, trying to narrow it down based on signal strength and actually starting my way up from ground (given i have acces to the building)
I can imagine these parties have way more resources, and experience...
Possibly they could have more of a stingray like device which they could use on location. Maybe even on a drone if they don't have acces to that building, who knows...