stupidcreature even if OP reflashes the BIOS with coreboot, installs Qubes and sits in a Faraday cage while using the device, it won't change the possibility of small trackers inside the machine itself.
Sidestep the spyware, malware, tracking in one easy step: Yo – and step out of your Faraday Cage….
Probably posted this before….
Tails+Tor is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship.
Your secure computer anywhere...
Shut down the computer and start on your Tails USB stick instead of starting on Windows, macOS, or Linux. Tails leaves no trace on the computer when shut down.
You can temporarily turn your own computer into a secure machine. You can also stay safe while using the computer of somebody else.
Amnesia - Tails always starts from the same clean state and everything you do disappears automatically when you shut down Tails.
Without Tails, almost everything you do can leave traces on the computer - Tor encrypts and anonymizes your connection by passing it through 3 relays. Relays are servers operated by different people and organizations around the world. A single relay never knows both where the encrypted connection is coming from and where it is going to:
Endorsed by Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and many others.
It is recommended by the Guardian for contacting them on sensitive issues.
I have been using Tails+Tor for about as long as I can remember: 8+ years?
You can easily configure persistent storage. It comes with Tor browser of course :) and a suite of software apps.
It only utilises the computers RAM - Random-access memory where stored information is lost when power is removed at shut down.