I've tried backing up on a USB and get back up failed each time. It seems to fail right at 38%.

I've also tried WebDAV back up on a nextcloud sever, also the back ups fail.

I've adjusted the settings to exclude files, only apps. I've tried enabling unlimited size for apps. Neither have fixed the issue. For davx5 app ensured unrestricted battery and data are enabled.

Cant figure it out. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

    Can't find a solution that works

    Yacoma I haven't used Seedvault in a very long time, so I'm not entirely sure where the option is, but I have seen others say that D2D (hope that's the right acronym), or device to device backups, are more reliable. Try going into Seedvault and try searching around for a place to turn D2D on. After doing that, you can try again to see if the backup is successful.

    Most reliable is to set it to backup to the devices storage and then once complete transfer the backup elsewhere.

    Theres a glitch regardless of backup location. Once it gets to 25% or more it temporarily glitches to 38% and goes back. Then when it actually reaches 38% it fails.

    This happens with only apps being backed up, no files.

    With D2D enabled it gets passed the 38% issue, but still fails at a higher percentage

    Essentially no functioning way to back up the phone?