Is it possible to block an individual phone number without using an app?
Thank you.
How to block individual phone number?
Arnauld Yes. If they sent a text message, open the message and then click the three dots in the upper right corner and then on "People & options." If they called you, click on their phone number under "Recents."
ErnestThornhill you just used an app for that :)
[deleted] You so funny.
ErnestThornhill that wasn't meant to be funny. I am not a mind reader. Poorly formulated question is hard to answer. Block number without an app in what sense? Should it be happening only on Pixel 7 or any Pixel would do? You get my meaning?
[deleted] Their question very much makes sense. What they meant by "without using an app" is without having to download and use a third-party app to block phone numbers.
No need to wait for an SMS. In your phone system app, go to Settings -> Blocked numbers -> Add a number
ErnestThornhill Well, I don't find any option to block the number...
Arnauld On a P8P you can long press the number, and options come up
Arnauld N1b means the settings og the Contacts app. Look in there.
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Arnauld Thank you. Well I might be stupid as I don't find how to add a number to be blocked...
Go to the phone app where you would type in a number to call. Swipe down to reveal the 3 dot menu on the top right, press that and go to Settings (and then blocked numbers). Don't worry, it's counterintuitive and took me a while to find as well.
Edit: I just realized it doesn't show on my private phone with no SIM card, only on my business phone. Maybe it's carrier dependent or something else is up... The option should be right between "Calling accounts" and "Voicemail".
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[deleted] N1b means the settings og the Contacts app. Look in there.
Nope I really mean the phone app, but back when I looked for it I was looking at the contact apps first where I would intuitively expect the feature.
The workflow by ErnestThornhill is the only intuitive one (if you got contacted by the number already).
Arnauld since you can't find the option there either I assume it's a carrier thing and yours doesn't support blocking numbers... Hopefully an expert can verify/falsify this as I'm not sure.
Arnauld For which? Text or phone call?
ErnestThornhill Phone call.
Arnauld have you tried long pressing the number?
Arnauld is there a chance you use another call screening app? Try disabling it and then check again if option to block number appears.
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Arnauld on the P8P my options are
Copy / Edit / Block / Delete
App info declares it as this, if it makes a difference
Version 23.0
versionCode 2900000
targetSdk 30
minSdk 34