Starting with a tl;dr... To get this to work you need GMS, you don't need to log in to Google. GBoard does all the downloading all by itself and lies about its network usage somehow in its app settings. The download is 25mb and took 9 seconds on my phone. My hypothesis about Google Play doing the download on GBoard's behalf appears to be wrong.
I was able to do voice typing with airplane mode on. I tried again with airplane mode off and network access to GBoard revoked, and it worked then too. I have no idea why you're running into problems. It's working for me each time.
You can skip the rest of this post if you don't care about what I did or what I found messing around with GBoard and getting logs via logcat
Attempting to download with just Aurora and GBoard, no GMS:
W GooglePlayServicesUtil: requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing.
So, yes, you need GMS installed.
Installed via Google Play, then revoked network access to GMS:
I SpeechFactory: SpeechRecognitionFactory.updateOnDeviceUserPreference():309 On-device switch enabled by user. Triggering download.
I SpeechPackManager: SpeechPackManager.syncPacksNow():306 syncPacksNow()
I SpeechPackManager: SpeechPackManager.registerManifest():451 registerManifest() :
I SP : Syncing speech-packs (34060213) with slices: [{gboard-en-US-v5101, m:b:*:*, fg}], metadata: false
I SP : Requesting download of URL to (constraints: m:b:u:l)
GBoard is downloading the speech packs by itself (I didn't copy and paste its download successful message).
GMS installed, not logged in, no network privs. Installed via Aurora:
I SP : Download stopped: speech-packs:gboard-en-US-v5101, succeeded foreground, size: 90844371